Freedom Foundation Citizens Task Force


The Freedom Foundation Citizens Task Force (FFCTF), an integral part of the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation, represents a collective of determined individuals united by a common experience: the grievous harm inflicted upon them or their loved ones due to the public health policies, protocols, and mandates implemented during the COVID-19 crisis. The FFCTF is not just a group; it’s a movement fueled by the spirit of solidarity, justice, and a relentless pursuit of accountability.

Our Objective 

The FFCTF’s primary objective is to bring to light the untold sufferings and injustices that many have faced due to the COVID-19 protocols and mandates. The Task Force seeks to challenge the narrative that has led to widespread malpractice and negligence in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in healthcare settings. The FFCTF believes in the power of shared experiences and collective action as tools for change and healing.

Activities and Roles 

Members of the FFCTF engage in various activities that include but are not limited to:

  1. Documentation: Members share their personal stories of how they have been affected by the COVID-19 policies, protocols, and mandates. These stories are archived and shared to ensure they are not forgotten and serve as a testament to the human cost of these policies.
  2. Support and Solidarity: The Task Force provides a platform for victims and their families to connect, share resources, and support each other. Regular support group meetings offer a space for healing and understanding, affirming that no one who has suffered is alone in their struggle.
  3. Advocacy and Awareness: The FFCTF actively works to raise public awareness about the alleged malpractices and injustices in the healthcare system during the pandemic. This involves engaging with the media, participating in public forums, and liaising with sympathetic policymakers to effect change.
  4. Legal and Policy Initiatives: A key part of the FFCTF’s mission is to seek accountability. The Task Force collaborates with legal professionals to explore avenues for justice for the victims and to advocate for policy reforms that prevent future occurrences of such tragedies.

Joining the Fight 

The FFCTF extends an invitation to anyone who has experienced harm or loss due to COVID-19 public health policies, protocols, or mandates. By joining the Task Force, members not only find a community of support but also become part of a larger movement for accountability and change. The collective experience and expertise of the Task Force are powerful tools in the fight for justice and reform.

Our Philosophy 

In the face of adversity and loss, the FFCTF stands resolute in its belief that every individual’s story matters. The Task Force operates on principles of empathy, respect, and a commitment to truth. It is driven by the conviction that through shared experiences and collective action, meaningful change is possible.

In Conclusion 

The Freedom Foundation Citizens Task Force is more than just a response to a crisis; it is a commitment to ensuring that the voices of the victims are heard, their stories are told, and their experiences are used to drive positive change in public health policy and practice. The FFCTF embodies the hope that through unity, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of justice, future tragedies can be prevented.