Dr David Martin Transcript


[00:00:00] [Unknown]: UK led jurisprudence.
[00:00:02] [Unknown]: There is a a condition
[00:00:04] [Unknown]: that came out of a very, very, very famous case
[00:00:08] [Unknown]: that said that if you engage in an activity that in its
[00:00:12] [Unknown]: necessary
[00:00:13] [Unknown]: essence
[00:00:13] [Unknown]: has to be dangerous and is likely to create damage,
[00:00:17] [Unknown]: then if you engage in that activity, you are liable for anything that happens. Mhmm. It was a very, very, very, very, very, you know, 1st year law school everybody hears about this case. In the United States, there's an equivalent case that actually builds on the background of that called,
[00:00:33] [Unknown]: Langham v Volicopters.
[00:00:35] [Unknown]: And that's a case where exactly the same argument was made here in the US. So the court precedent is that if you engage in an ultra hazardous activity
[00:00:45] [Unknown]: and a harm is created, you have a strict liability for all of the consequences of that harm. So the first theory
[00:00:52] [Unknown]: is to pursue strict liability on behalf of the state, to sue the federal government to get all of the funds associated with COVID, Most people don't understand the nuance
[00:01:12] [Unknown]: of antitrust, but there's one feature of antitrust that's actually really significant problem. That is the modification
[00:01:18] [Unknown]: of the Sherman article,
[00:01:20] [Unknown]: the old antitrust law
[00:01:22] [Unknown]: with the 9 early 19 hundreds Clayton Act.
[00:01:25] [Unknown]: There is a very specific
[00:01:27] [Unknown]: clause inside the Clayton Act, which makes a felony,
[00:01:30] [Unknown]: what's called interlocking directors.
[00:01:32] [Unknown]: That means when the directors of what should be competing or corporate interests
[00:01:36] [Unknown]: actually get together and collude to do anything, commercially or otherwise.
[00:01:41] [Unknown]: It turns out that on the September 18, 2019
[00:01:45] [Unknown]: Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
[00:01:47] [Unknown]: sat
[00:01:48] [Unknown]: Jeremy Farr of the Welcome Trust,
[00:01:51] [Unknown]: doctor Chris Elias of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Foundation,
[00:01:55] [Unknown]: Anthony Fauci's NIAID,
[00:01:58] [Unknown]: the Chinese doctor Gao from the CDC,
[00:02:01] [Unknown]: and several other
[00:02:03] [Unknown]: interlocking directorates. These are
[00:02:06] [Unknown]: commercial or market competitors
[00:02:08] [Unknown]: who actually sat on the common board. That is a felony violation of the Clayton Act.
[00:02:12] [Unknown]: And because of that one thing,
[00:02:14] [Unknown]: we have the ability to actually go after the entirety
[00:02:18] [Unknown]: of the COVID conspiracy since 2005.
[00:02:21] [Unknown]: Yeah. The reason why that's important is because we have to get everything predating
[00:02:26] [Unknown]: December of 2019.
[00:02:28] [Unknown]: All the crimes
[00:02:30] [Unknown]: in that case have to predate
[00:02:32] [Unknown]: 2019. Because once you get into the Prep Act, EUA, all that kind of stuff, there's all kinds of immunity shields that they can hide behind. But if everything
[00:02:41] [Unknown]: that we prosecute happens prior to 2019,
[00:02:45] [Unknown]: then we have a case
[00:02:47] [Unknown]: that actually allows us to take antitrust
[00:02:50] [Unknown]: and then go forward in discovery,
[00:02:52] [Unknown]: discover all the crimes. We already know what the crimes are, but we get to discover all those crimes in that prosecution,
[00:02:58] [Unknown]: which then gets us to the second felony
[00:03:01] [Unknown]: action for all the felonies
[00:03:03] [Unknown]: that actually are not shielded under the PREP Act. Because under the PREP Act, there is only one silver bullet that is available anywhere, which is if a fraud
[00:03:13] [Unknown]: was perpetrated to create the emergency.
[00:03:16] [Unknown]: Right.
[00:03:17] [Unknown]: The only
[00:03:19] [Unknown]: silver bullet anywhere in the Prep Act,
[00:03:22] [Unknown]: that blows up the immunity shield for all the manufacturers, and you get to go after Pfizer and Moderna
[00:03:28] [Unknown]: and the whole lot of them.
[00:03:30] [Unknown]: Wow. So what what we're doing is a staircase.
[00:03:34] [Unknown]: Mhmm. We're doing the first action
[00:03:36] [Unknown]: that will give us discovery to the second action. The second action gives us discovery to the 3rd action. Alright.
[00:03:41] [Unknown]: When I tell people that this is a complicated process,
[00:03:45] [Unknown]: it ain't complicated. It's freaking
[00:03:47] [Unknown]: playing chess in 3 dimensions underwater standing on your head, getting COVID done. Like, it's a not easy proposition.
[00:03:55] [Unknown]: Wow.