Oklahoma COVID Response Study Transcript
"The federal government intervened in the case, and it said that my client's revelations of fraud and harm in clinical trials that showed these shots as unsafe, ineffective, and dangerous was contrary to the public health policy of the United States.
"There’s vaccine discrimination right off the bat. You come in the hospital, you say you're not vaccinated, they mark it on your chart and they treat you differently. You literally get a different protocol. Then they isolate you. They isolate you from your family, your priest, your pastor, from any contact human contact, and we all should know how important that is to healing just to have somebody by your side. Then as your family is isolated at home, they refuse to communicate with the family and update them and tell them what's happening and get permissions. And then and this just gets worse, folk folks, and I can't even cover all the things we've seen. Then they dehydrate you and starve you. You're denied food, water, and nutrition, and you're actually given your diuretics and laxatives, so you're not bothering them to go to the bathroom.
"You can't allow these to be given to any more children. Children are dying every day from these shots. You have to protect your constituents, please.
"I wanna finish up here and and add to to my talk and say that these shots are under emergency use authorization, and that's really important because people are saying, why isn't the FDA? Why isn't the government pulling these shots if they're contaminated and they have all of these findings? The reason why they're not is because the shots are under emergency use authorization... They are allowed to be contaminated, adulterated, misbranded, mislabeled, not go through good manufacturing process, and they still must be approved and licensed by the FDA. That is the most important thing I'm going to say other than you must pull these shots. You can't allow these to be given to any more children. Children are dying every day from these shots.
"But they call this is the other thing they do. They call it all low quality evidence, and it shouldn't be believed. And they literally wrote this in their guide. I'm gonna finish on this, slide because I don't wanna go over time. But this is the WHO guidelines group. And what they said is they felt that even though they had a statistically significant reduction in your chance of death when you were treated with Ivermectin, They said that they felt that almost all well informed patients would wanna receive Ivermectin only in the context of a trial, given that the evidence left a very high degree of uncertainty. I just come and give you guys an example of how absurd that is. You need to picture yourself ill with COVID, on a hospital bed, on oxygen, and you're gonna tell me that a doctor's gonna come in and say to you, listen. You know, we got this drug. It's called Ivermectin. It has a really long high safety profile. The best available evidence that we have shows that it reduces your chance of dying of 81%, but it's considered low quality data. And what would you say is that patient? Would you tell the doctor, actually, I'm not comfortable taking that medicine unless it's in the context of a randomized controlled trial, while you're ill with COVID and there's no other treatment options. This is absolutely corrupt, absolutely brazen, and this led to the deaths of millions of people around the world. This war on Ivermectin, has an it untold casualties around the world, and I've had to witness all of it. And with that, I'll stop.
"the point not not the big point of this slide is that if you look at what was used or approved for use or recommended by the NIH, that's what I've circled. And if you look, they have one thing in common. They are absurdly expensive slash profitable... So my hypothesis, what I'm gonna try to present to you today is the global coordinated campaign to suppress, distort, and dismiss the evidence of efficacy for ivermectin, because it was such a threat... But these tactics, I I got to see with a front row seat throughout the entire pandemic.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this was murder. It was not public health, and we need to stop pretending it was something other than what it was. People died, and people died of medical countermeasures that actually were known to be biological weapons in 2005. They knew they were participating in a program that the World Health Organization's Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in September of 2019 stated was going to be the accidental or intentional release of a lethal respiratory pathogen, ladies and gentlemen, not any respiratory pathogen. They use the word lethal.
"They did lots of rejections and retractions. None of the big positive trials could be published. ... I got to see this war, against ivermectin conducted in the in the medical journals.
"Then the next thing that happens is oxygen supplementation and many of you now know that that causes lung damage. And the victim and family are told it's to give the lungs a rest. No. Your lungs need to be working. If you're if you're at 85, 90% oxygen, you should not be having supplements. And then what happens, next is you're put on a ventilator. Early on in the spring of 2020, I heard from nurses out of, Cleveland that they were putting, and they were upset. These nurses came to me because they were whistleblowers and they were upset. They said, we're ventilating them to protect the staff. That's what they said. We're not ventilating because they need a ventilator.
"Pfizer documents that were obtained by Naomi Wolf also revealed that the Pfizer told vaccinated men to use 2 forms of contraception while having intercourse, and women were told not to get pregnant. Breastfeeding women were reporting seizures and vomiting in their babies. Pfizer lost 238 records of pregnant women and 34 of those records that were recovered showed that, and only 34 were recovered. 80% of the 236 women were reported to or sorry. Of the 3rd 34 women were reported to have lost their their babies. We we have the data that these shots are not safe. But the problem is we do not have people in power who are willing to acknowledge the data. We we now have 7,000 studies showing adverse reactions from the COVID shots. There's a recent, data came out showing that kids ages 5 to 18 in the US are dying at 5.7 times higher than their unvaccinated peers. When we look at overall excess deaths, in the US from COVID, it's twice, the natural causes death all cause mortality not related to COVID is twice what the death was from actual COVID infection. Latest study out of England look at over 820,000 children and the when you know, there was no overall benefit. No children died in either arm of the study. There was a transient decrease in positive tests in the in the children that got the COVID shots. But what was most alarming is that the incident the patients that got myocarditis and pericarditis were only the ones that were vaccinated. These shots are really all risk, no benefit. And like I said, they should have been pulled off the market, a long time ago. I I predict that many of the members of the Oklahoma legislature are no longer comfortable getting these shots nor giving them to their children. And I I ask you if they aren't safe enough for you, and if they're not safe enough for your children or your grandchildren, then how are they safe enough for your constituents? I urge you to stand up to big pharma and use your power to to protect your constituents. Your duty is to protect the people that elected you. And if you weren't informed before today, you are now. Make history and please join this effort. Britain, France, Japan, Australia, Sweden, and Germany do not give COVID shots to the children. The US is an outlier, and the US now recommends that all babies should get 3 mRNA shots.
"This is science that is being manipulated. ... They found 2 full days shorter time to recovery. ... But then what did they do? They made up a metric. They literally made up a statistic that has never been described in any scientific literature that I could find, which is probability that the result is meaningful.
So I've been asked to talk about, the issues around early treatment, in the pandemic... All of the expenses that we did, would have been shut down, for sure.
"Oklahoma has some really interesting law. In fact, you guys actually have some pretty good informed consent case law, the Scott case and the Allen case. You are supposed to, under your civil law, inform the patients of the risk of treatment, whether it's invasive or noninvasive, and alternatives. You have a section called article 2 section 6 that that says every wrong, every injury should be compensable. So the Prep Act technically violates your constitution. Your congresspeople ought to be raised in hell in Washington about the violation of your constitutional rights here in Oklahoma.
"So what has this meant for families? I you know, what I see is, first of all, grief, from all the families, that I've talked to. There's guilt because a a wife or a husband took their loved one to the hospital, and they trusted the hospital. And fundamentally, there's a real sense of betrayal. Doctors have been revered in this country. They're seen as the good guys and they're trusted. And by the way, there's good guys here today, but guess what? We're having problems getting them able to testify in court, which maybe the legislature can do something about because they've been stripped of board certifications and sometimes licenses. So we need to eliminate the need and the malpractice statutes to have a board certification or license. You go into court, talk about your experience, and you get qualified or not. We know how to do that without board certification or licenses. That's a trap for us, and it's costing, the the patients, and the families, their experts in these lawsuits.
"and what I'm saying is by chemical restraint, these people were were forced to stay in a bed and could not leave. They were kidnapped by chemical restraint battery, and that they were forced onto a ventilator even though they did not comply and said they did not wanna be placed on a ventilator and that their paperwork were forged. I think we can prove that because these people were sedated. How would they sign? Their loved ones refused to give consent, and yet they were placed on a ventilator. And then I want to say that under the Oklahoma law that I understand I'm a law enforcement officer, not an attorney. Rachel, you can help me with this. But under Oklahoma law, when you commit a crime that results in somebody else's death, that crime then the murder felony crime applies, and you could be charged with felony murder. And we will ask the AG to look at that as well. These probable causes are already prepared. Rachel, I'll get with you on that brief. It'll take a few days to get this to the AG, but next week, I hope present the AG with the brief and probable calls on 2 murders and a list of people we think they could go after. As well as we've already presented the, AG with a massive amount on these 2 and a couple of more that we've applied for. So, I think that we can pursue that. Again, I wanna challenge the attorney general to look at these cases and actually work with us to file these these felony charges against people guilty of these crimes.
"California's constitution is special and that you have a right to autonomy in medical decisions, which they completely violated. They have a long history in California of eugenics. If you read the history, they actually sterilized women, particularly Hispanic women, in the past, and we think this is a eugenics program and a continuation of this program by another name.
They were clearly denied informed consent. We heard how dangerous the remdesivir is. Overall, we surveyed all the hospital systems in the United States. You had a 35% chance of dying in general. Some hospitals were worse. It went up to 75%. I won't name the hospital. They'll probably sue me for defamation, but their death rate was 75% if you got remdesivir. Infections and injuries were horrific. You guys have all seen that, pressure sores, skin sores, skin tears, necrosis. So I see pictures of the bones of the patient. That's how bad this got. Restrain abuse, obviously, when you're that kind of pain and all this is going on, they use physical restraints. They failed to follow requirements on that. Ventilation itself is a restraint, and they use that as a matter of control. The families were as often called. Scott Schara has testified about this. They call you in the middle of the night. We got an emergency. We gotta put them on event. We gotta put them on remdesivir. I see people shaking their heads yes. And so you are woke awoken in the middle of the night with all this emergency, and you're worried your loved one's gonna die if you can't, if you don't agree to those protocols.
"This was always about premeditated murder, using a biological weapon they paid for. People who doubt what I say, that is the letter from NIAID, October of 2014. That is the letter where the gain of function moratorium was actually suspended for the purpose of weaponizing SARS coronavirus. That is the letter that Rand Paul still fails to put in front of Anthony Fauci at every single hearing he has when Anthony Fauci is lying across the table from congress.
"Ladies and gentlemen, on April 27, 2020, I stood in front of a camera, and I actually tried to blow a whistle before all of this death happened... Every death we talked about today was avoidable... We actually knew that the intent of the conspirators of this particular medical racketeering mafia exercise actually already had planned to kill people on September 18, 2019. If we are serious, we will realize that under section 802 of the Patriot Act, this was an act of domestic terrorism.
"In Oklahoma and the and the first thing is to to open an investigation and or to request or to to refer an investigation to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
[00:00:01] [Chairperson]: We're getting ready to get started. I'm gonna kind of put down the ground rules real quick.
[00:00:07] [Chairperson]: Everybody has to have a chair in the room. If there's not enough chairs we have overflow rooms, we can add another overflow room if we need to.
[00:00:15] [Chairperson]: I'm asking that presenters and legislators only at the table.
[00:00:21] [Chairperson]: And then we're going to turn it over to representative Humphrey,
[00:00:25] [Chairperson]: and then he can kinda lay down
[00:00:29] [Chairperson]: how he's gonna run it, whether we're gonna do questions as we go, questions at the end, however you wanna do that.
[00:00:36] [Representative Humphrey]: Thank you, madam chair,
[00:00:38] [Representative Humphrey]: chairperson.
[00:00:40] [Representative Humphrey]: So
[00:00:41] [Representative Humphrey]: I just want to tell everyone thank you. I know this is a a subject that a lot of people,
[00:00:47] [Representative Humphrey]: are very
[00:00:49] [Representative Humphrey]: affected by and they have been affected.
[00:00:52] [Representative Humphrey]: Guys, if you disagree with something,
[00:00:55] [Representative Humphrey]: we can talk about that after this meeting. This place is not to get upset at anybody.
[00:01:00] [Representative Humphrey]: What we've asked is some experts to come in to talk to us about were there,
[00:01:07] [Representative Humphrey]: certain protocols that were made
[00:01:10] [Representative Humphrey]: and were those protocols,
[00:01:12] [Representative Humphrey]: following medical standards?
[00:01:14] [Representative Humphrey]: Those are the things that we're gonna look at and how that we can better form legislation
[00:01:19] [Representative Humphrey]: to prevent things from coming down the pack. That's what this is all about, how to study that. So we're going to go ahead and get started. We've got a lot of,
[00:01:29] [Representative Humphrey]: of people that are very impressive. We're gonna start with doctor David Martin.
[00:01:34] [Representative Humphrey]: Doctor, are you ready to present?
[00:01:36] [Representative Humphrey]: I am indeed. Thank you. It's yours.
[00:01:42] [Doctor David Martin]: There we go. We got the slides up there.
[00:01:53] [Doctor David Martin]: That's alright. I can do this in my sleep.
[00:01:56] [Doctor David Martin]: First of all,
[00:01:57] [Doctor David Martin]: it's an honor to be here. Thank you all for hosting us and having this
[00:02:02] [Doctor David Martin]: this gathering. And, JJ, thank you very much for the invitation. It's an honor to be here.
[00:02:08] [Doctor David Martin]: My job is to set the stage for a little bit of the background on how this thing came to be because a lot of times when we're caught up in stories about something that is allegedly an immediate emergency,
[00:02:19] [Doctor David Martin]: we can sometimes forget that emergencies
[00:02:21] [Doctor David Martin]: sometimes take a long time to build, and this is one of those emergencies.
[00:02:28] [Doctor David Martin]: If we
[00:02:31] [Doctor David Martin]: if we look at the warning signs, and I'm gonna go slightly out of order because it's important for us to actually understand
[00:02:37] [Doctor David Martin]: that the
[00:02:38] [Doctor David Martin]: the
[00:02:40] [Doctor David Martin]: overall flow
[00:02:41] [Doctor David Martin]: of what became what we called COVID
[00:02:44] [Doctor David Martin]: 19 that allegedly
[00:02:45] [Doctor David Martin]: took place in 2019
[00:02:47] [Doctor David Martin]: December
[00:02:48] [Doctor David Martin]: did not start in 2019 at all. As a matter of fact, my first briefing
[00:02:53] [Doctor David Martin]: on the SARS bioterrorism
[00:02:55] [Doctor David Martin]: threat
[00:02:56] [Doctor David Martin]: was in 2002.
[00:02:58] [Doctor David Martin]: You heard that date correctly.
[00:03:01] [Doctor David Martin]: So if you're sitting there going, hold on a minute,
[00:03:03] [Doctor David Martin]: how could you have a 2,002 briefing on a disease that didn't exist?
[00:03:07] [Doctor David Martin]: Because if you're paying attention to history, you know that SARS, the first time it came around,
[00:03:12] [Doctor David Martin]: was allegedly
[00:03:13] [Doctor David Martin]: 2,003.
[00:03:15] [Doctor David Martin]: So how could I do a briefing
[00:03:17] [Doctor David Martin]: on
[00:03:18] [Doctor David Martin]: a pathogen and on the disease
[00:03:20] [Doctor David Martin]: a year before it happened?
[00:03:22] [Doctor David Martin]: And it's not because I live in a crystal ball and it's not that I see things that other people don't see.
[00:03:28] [Doctor David Martin]: What I did see was I was leading the anthrax investigation in 2,001,
[00:03:33] [Doctor David Martin]: and most of you don't remember that.
[00:03:35] [Doctor David Martin]: Late September 2001,
[00:03:37] [Doctor David Martin]: when the United States defense department released anthrax against the United States population.
[00:03:43] [Doctor David Martin]: We all remember the events of 9/11, but we forget the events of 926,
[00:03:47] [Doctor David Martin]: 927, and 928.
[00:03:49] [Doctor David Martin]: And what none of you know is that in May of 2002
[00:03:54] [Doctor David Martin]: sorry. May of 2001,
[00:03:56] [Doctor David Martin]: prior to the September anthrax attack, the United States military ordered 300,000,000
[00:04:01] [Doctor David Martin]: doses of ciprofloxacin.
[00:04:05] [Doctor David Martin]: Now ciprofloxacin
[00:04:06] [Doctor David Martin]: is the drug that is used
[00:04:08] [Doctor David Martin]: to treat anthrax poisoning.
[00:04:11] [Doctor David Martin]: How on earth
[00:04:12] [Doctor David Martin]: would we live in a world
[00:04:14] [Doctor David Martin]: where 4 months before, allegedly, an outbreak of anthrax,
[00:04:18] [Doctor David Martin]: how was it that the US military knew to order 300,000,000
[00:04:21] [Doctor David Martin]: doses of anthrax?
[00:04:24] [Doctor David Martin]: That's a question we should be asking ourselves.
[00:04:27] [Doctor David Martin]: Are they just that good at anticipating the unknown likelihood that we were all gonna be hide tanners in the summer of 2001?
[00:04:34] [Doctor David Martin]: Because the only way you get anthrax is tanning hides.
[00:04:37] [Doctor David Martin]: I don't I don't know if you remember here in Oklahoma, the great buffalo hunt in 2001 when we all went out and shot buffalo and then tanned hides all summer. We all got anthrax. That didn't happen.
[00:04:49] [Doctor David Martin]: And it was me investigating the anthrax attack that actually was the reason why I came across SARS.
[00:04:56] [Doctor David Martin]: So I've been talking about this and I've been briefing law enforcement intelligence since
[00:05:01] [Doctor David Martin]: 2,002
[00:05:03] [Doctor David Martin]: on the anthrax attack.
[00:05:05] [Doctor David Martin]: In 2,005
[00:05:06] [Doctor David Martin]: and a lot of people don't like when I use this language and I apologize if I offended anybody, but the reason I use it is because it is the language used by the perpetrators.
[00:05:15] [Doctor David Martin]: This was funded to be a bioweapon
[00:05:18] [Doctor David Martin]: for civilian deployment in 2,005.
[00:05:22] [Doctor David Martin]: And by this, I mean, the SARS coronavirus
[00:05:25] [Doctor David Martin]: was actually
[00:05:26] [Doctor David Martin]: funded to become the bioweapon of choice in 2,005.
[00:05:31] [Doctor David Martin]: And beginning in 2,005,
[00:05:33] [Doctor David Martin]: the gain of function research that you've all heard about multiple times was actually jointly commissioned by NIAID and by DARPA to be the bioweapon
[00:05:43] [Doctor David Martin]: choice
[00:05:44] [Doctor David Martin]: used, and I quote, for biological warfare enabling technology.
[00:05:49] [Doctor David Martin]: Does that sound like public health to anybody in this room or to anybody in this country?
[00:05:56] [Doctor David Martin]: If we actually called it biological warfare enabling technology, is there any chance that some of us might have raised our hand going, hold on a minute?
[00:06:03] [Doctor David Martin]: That sounds like a problem.
[00:06:05] [Doctor David Martin]: And that was in 2,005.
[00:06:08] [Doctor David Martin]: Not surprisingly, if we look at the ongoing funding relationship between the Wuhan Institute of Virology,
[00:06:15] [Doctor David Martin]: EcoHealth Alliance, and NAID, and DARPA, what you find is since 2,005,
[00:06:20] [Doctor David Martin]: the USAID
[00:06:21] [Doctor David Martin]: project
[00:06:22] [Doctor David Martin]: called PREDICT
[00:06:24] [Doctor David Martin]: was a biological weapons program in collaboration
[00:06:28] [Doctor David Martin]: with the Wuhan Institute of Virology
[00:06:31] [Doctor David Martin]: between the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In 2010,
[00:06:37] [Doctor David Martin]: when Moderna started as a corporation,
[00:06:40] [Doctor David Martin]: its early patents were filed around modifying mRNA for the purpose of ultimately responding to biological threats,
[00:06:48] [Doctor David Martin]: none of which existed.
[00:06:51] [Doctor David Martin]: So why would you fund a company? Why would you actually put a company in place
[00:06:55] [Doctor David Martin]: to actually address countermeasures
[00:06:57] [Doctor David Martin]: for a thing that didn't exist?
[00:06:59] [Doctor David Martin]: And when the gain of function moratorium was put in place in 2014,
[00:07:03] [Doctor David Martin]: in October of 2014,
[00:07:05] [Doctor David Martin]: Anthony Fauci's NIAD
[00:07:07] [Doctor David Martin]: sent the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill a note saying that they were authorized to continue their gain of function research on are you ready for this? Not just SARS coronavirus, ladies and gentlemen.
[00:07:18] [Doctor David Martin]: The Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus 1.
[00:07:23] [Doctor David Martin]: Did you hear the date that I just gave you?
[00:07:26] [Doctor David Martin]: That was October of 2014
[00:07:30] [Doctor David Martin]: that the NIAID
[00:07:32] [Doctor David Martin]: authorized gain of function research on the Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus 1 for the purpose of weaponizing it for the promotion
[00:07:40] [Doctor David Martin]: of the global acceptance of a vaccine.
[00:07:44] [Doctor David Martin]: And a lot of people say, well, Dave, but my gosh and by the way, all the references are here. This is not raving lunatic. This is just me reporting the facts, which I've done as a biological weapons expert for the US government for the last 25 years.
[00:08:00] [Doctor David Martin]: It's worth noting
[00:08:01] [Doctor David Martin]: that in 2016,
[00:08:03] [Doctor David Martin]: there was a publication in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and that publication read,
[00:08:09] [Doctor David Martin]: SARS like wivonecov
[00:08:13] [Doctor David Martin]: poised for human emergence.
[00:08:16] [Doctor David Martin]: Let's unpack exactly what that means.
[00:08:19] [Doctor David Martin]: That's SARS.
[00:08:22] [Doctor David Martin]: That's Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus 1
[00:08:26] [Doctor David Martin]: poised for human emergence.
[00:08:28] [Doctor David Martin]: That was a headline in the National Academy of Sciences
[00:08:32] [Doctor David Martin]: in 2016.
[00:08:33] [Doctor David Martin]: And where was any state legislature?
[00:08:36] [Doctor David Martin]: Where was any federal oversight?
[00:08:38] [Doctor David Martin]: Where was any law enforcement agency ever looking at the question, I wonder if we have biological weapons we should be monitoring? And if I do nothing more in Oklahoma today than this, let me tell you, my organization,
[00:08:51] [Doctor David Martin]: MCAM, currently monitors
[00:08:53] [Doctor David Martin]: 68 gain of function weapons that are currently in production.
[00:08:57] [Doctor David Martin]: Listen to what I just said. 68 of them.
[00:09:01] [Doctor David Martin]: You think SARS is the only thing we're gonna have? No.
[00:09:05] [Doctor David Martin]: SARS and SARS like variants were 3 of 68 that we have in production right now in the United States, and I've briefed on this since 2002.
[00:09:15] [Doctor David Martin]: So if you think this is not relevant,
[00:09:18] [Doctor David Martin]: think again
[00:09:19] [Doctor David Martin]: because it's highly relevant.
[00:09:22] [Doctor David Martin]: And then we have, unfortunately,
[00:09:25] [Doctor David Martin]: the language that was used in September 18,
[00:09:28] [Doctor David Martin]: 2019,
[00:09:29] [Doctor David Martin]: 3 months before patient 1 in Wuhan,
[00:09:32] [Doctor David Martin]: where the statement was made,
[00:09:34] [Doctor David Martin]: an accidental
[00:09:36] [Doctor David Martin]: or intentional
[00:09:37] [Doctor David Martin]: release of a lethal respiratory pathogen
[00:09:40] [Doctor David Martin]: will be authorized so that by September 2020, the world accepts a universal vaccine.
[00:09:49] [Doctor David Martin]: Anybody wanna guess motivation?
[00:09:53] [Doctor David Martin]: Well, they actually told us.
[00:09:55] [Doctor David Martin]: They said until the public is aware of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan coronavirus vaccine,
[00:10:02] [Doctor David Martin]: we need the media to create hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. That is a quote from the National Academy of Sciences. That is a quote,
[00:10:16] [Doctor David Martin]: and that quote,
[00:10:18] [Doctor David Martin]: unfortunately,
[00:10:19] [Doctor David Martin]: was from 2014.
[00:10:22] [Doctor David Martin]: 2014.
[00:10:25] [Doctor David Martin]: Ladies and gentlemen, there was no public health emergency.
[00:10:28] [Doctor David Martin]: SARS was identified in 1965
[00:10:31] [Doctor David Martin]: as the most malleable of all of the viral models that could be used for biological weapons.
[00:10:37] [Doctor David Martin]: By 1966
[00:10:38] [Doctor David Martin]: and 1967, it was the first infectious agent that was used in a cross
[00:10:44] [Doctor David Martin]: Atlantic collaboration on infecting a healthy population.
[00:10:48] [Doctor David Martin]: Samples of a coronavirus from the United States were infected into healthy British subjects in 1966.
[00:10:56] [Doctor David Martin]: It worked.
[00:10:58] [Doctor David Martin]: And ever since then, it's been developed for the very purpose for which it was put in motion. By 1984,
[00:11:04] [Doctor David Martin]: it was actually the subject
[00:11:06] [Doctor David Martin]: of what became
[00:11:08] [Doctor David Martin]: a series of patents file filed ultimately filed by Pfizer.
[00:11:12] [Doctor David Martin]: And in 1990, they filed their 1st spike protein patent for a spike protein vaccine. In 1990, how many of you heard about operation warp speed?
[00:11:22] [Doctor David Martin]: Does that sound like warp speed to you?
[00:11:25] [Doctor David Martin]: That sounds like molasses in Maine
[00:11:27] [Doctor David Martin]: in, I don't know, February. Doesn't sound very warpage to me. Doesn't sound like we've gone to Plaid. It actually sounds like we're going pretty doggone slow.
[00:11:37] [Doctor David Martin]: And when the CDC filed the patent
[00:11:40] [Doctor David Martin]: illegally in April of 2003
[00:11:42] [Doctor David Martin]: on the coronavirus
[00:11:43] [Doctor David Martin]: allegedly isolated from humans,
[00:11:46] [Doctor David Martin]: they had to actually pay the patent office. After the patent office, on 3 occasions, ruled the patent invalid and unenforceable,
[00:11:54] [Doctor David Martin]: they had to pay to take over the ownership
[00:11:57] [Doctor David Martin]: of SARS coronavirus
[00:11:58] [Doctor David Martin]: so they could control the economic gain from that particular pathogen.
[00:12:03] [Doctor David Martin]: And I want you to hear me again. I told you this before. I'm gonna tell it again.
[00:12:07] [Doctor David Martin]: We are monitoring 68 others.
[00:12:11] [Doctor David Martin]: So if you don't think today's hearing is relevant,
[00:12:16] [Doctor David Martin]: never forget this particular quote,
[00:12:19] [Doctor David Martin]: and those are the perpetrators. Ralph Barrick at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill,
[00:12:24] [Doctor David Martin]: Anthony Fauci at NIAID,
[00:12:27] [Doctor David Martin]: and Peter Daschick
[00:12:28] [Doctor David Martin]: at EcoHealth Alliance.
[00:12:31] [Doctor David Martin]: Their official statement this is not me spinning or quoting or anything. This is actually straight out of their publication, their presentation
[00:12:38] [Doctor David Martin]: to the National Academy of Sciences. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase the public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan influenza, pan coronavirus vaccine.
[00:12:49] [Doctor David Martin]: A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.
[00:12:57] [Doctor David Martin]: Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. Ladies and gentlemen, this was murder. It was not public health,
[00:13:06] [Doctor David Martin]: and we need to stop pretending
[00:13:08] [Doctor David Martin]: it was something other than what it was.
[00:13:11] [Doctor David Martin]: People died,
[00:13:12] [Doctor David Martin]: and people died of medical countermeasures
[00:13:15] [Doctor David Martin]: that actually were known to be biological weapons in 2,005.
[00:13:19] [Doctor David Martin]: They knew they were participating in a program that the World Health Organization's Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in September of 2019
[00:13:26] [Doctor David Martin]: stated was going to be the accidental or intentional release of a lethal respiratory pathogen, ladies and gentlemen, not any respiratory pathogen. They use the word lethal.
[00:13:36] [Doctor David Martin]: And you know what that means? That means this is premeditated
[00:13:39] [Doctor David Martin]: murder. That's what it means.
[00:13:42] [Doctor David Martin]: And we need to start treating it for what it is. It was, in fact, premeditated murder. You do not use the word a release of a lethal respiratory pathogen if you don't mean to kill people.
[00:13:55] [Doctor David Martin]: And that needs to be as chilling as it sounds
[00:13:59] [Doctor David Martin]: because this was never about a public health emergency. This was always about premeditated murder,
[00:14:04] [Doctor David Martin]: using a biological weapon they paid for.
[00:14:07] [Doctor David Martin]: People who doubt what I say, that is the letter from NIAID, October of 2014.
[00:14:12] [Doctor David Martin]: That is the letter where the gain of function moratorium was actually suspended for the purpose of weaponizing SARS coronavirus.
[00:14:20] [Doctor David Martin]: That is the letter that Rand Paul still fails to put in front of Anthony Fauci at every single hearing he has when Anthony Fauci is lying across the table from congress. That's the letter that no one will put into the public domain to actually prove that this, in fact, was never a public health emergency.
[00:14:36] [Doctor David Martin]: It was always premeditated murder.
[00:14:42] [Doctor David Martin]: Where do we where do we end? Because I could go on forever. I've I've carried this as
[00:14:47] [Doctor David Martin]: I know. I that's I tried to keep myself on time.
[00:14:52] [Doctor David Martin]: Let me make a very simple sent statement.
[00:14:56] [Doctor David Martin]: The entire pandemic was premeditated
[00:14:58] [Doctor David Martin]: murder by their own admission.
[00:15:00] [Doctor David Martin]: The entire pandemic.
[00:15:02] [Doctor David Martin]: The protocol that was used and adopted here in the state of Oklahoma and around the country to use remdesivir
[00:15:07] [Doctor David Martin]: was actually known in 2018
[00:15:09] [Doctor David Martin]: and published in 2018, listen carefully,
[00:15:12] [Doctor David Martin]: to have a lethality of 53%.
[00:15:16] [Doctor David Martin]: No pathogen on earth
[00:15:18] [Doctor David Martin]: has been identified to have a lethality of 53%.
[00:15:22] [Doctor David Martin]: But the drug that was used and administered in the state of Oklahoma under the good medical practices standards for the state of Oklahoma
[00:15:29] [Doctor David Martin]: was a drug known to have a lethality
[00:15:32] [Doctor David Martin]: of 53%.
[00:15:35] [Doctor David Martin]: That means your odds of surviving were worse
[00:15:38] [Doctor David Martin]: being treated
[00:15:39] [Doctor David Martin]: than anything else, including having any disease that you might have. And that was published in 2018.
[00:15:46] [Doctor David Martin]: Every medical practitioner
[00:15:48] [Doctor David Martin]: anywhere in the state who actually administered
[00:15:51] [Doctor David Martin]: any remdesivir to any patient knowingly
[00:15:54] [Doctor David Martin]: had the capacity
[00:15:55] [Doctor David Martin]: to stop
[00:15:56] [Doctor David Martin]: a lethal injection and failed to do so, and at best, it's reckless homicide and at worst, it's premeditated murder. It will happen again if this body does not take action. Thank you very much.
[00:16:08] [Representative Humphrey]: Thank
[00:16:12] [Representative Humphrey]: you.
[00:16:14] [Representative Humphrey]: And and I would ask if we just wait and ask questions at the end just due to time frame.
[00:16:20] [Representative Humphrey]: So, doctor Corey, if you're ready.
[00:16:24] [Speaker 3]: Yes.
[00:16:26] [Speaker 3]: Can I ask if you can see my slides?
[00:16:29] [Representative Humphrey]: Yes. We can.
[00:16:31] [Speaker 3]: You can. Okay.
[00:16:33] [Speaker 3]: So I've been asked to talk about,
[00:16:35] [Speaker 3]: the issues around early treatment, in the pandemic. I'm gonna focus on
[00:16:39] [Speaker 3]: an area of expertise that I have, which is on Ivermectin,
[00:16:42] [Speaker 3]: but this applies generally to, repurpose safe, effective,
[00:16:46] [Speaker 3]: available medicines and how they were suppressed.
[00:16:50] [Speaker 3]: First point to make is the incentives to do this were massive. The global markets that opened up with the onset of the pandemic,
[00:16:58] [Speaker 3]: for numerous patented, very profitable
[00:17:01] [Speaker 3]: pharmaceutical products. So for early treatment, PAXLOVID, Molnupiravir,
[00:17:05] [Speaker 3]: remdesivir, and obviously, the massive global market for vaccines as well as,
[00:17:11] [Speaker 3]: other monoclonal antibodies, which also, derived a lot of profit. So Ivermectin
[00:17:15] [Speaker 3]: being an off patent repurposed medicine,
[00:17:18] [Speaker 3]: would threaten
[00:17:20] [Speaker 3]: the the markets for all of this.
[00:17:22] [Speaker 3]: All of the expenses that we did,
[00:17:25] [Speaker 3]: would have been shut down,
[00:17:27] [Speaker 3]: for sure. And,
[00:17:28] [Speaker 3]: what you need to know is that it's not just Ivermectin. So this is what's called a forest plot. I don't know if you can see my mouse. But if you look at the green triangles, anything to the left of this gray line in the middle is something that is,
[00:17:42] [Speaker 3]: effective. And the farther it is to the left, the more effective it is. And and those,
[00:17:48] [Speaker 3]: those triangles
[00:17:49] [Speaker 3]: are, established by accumulating
[00:17:52] [Speaker 3]: all the study data for each drug. And so if you look, there's a there's a column of number of studies. At the time I made this slide, there was 93 trials on Ivermectin. Actually, it's more than a 100 now.
[00:18:05] [Speaker 3]: But if you look, and this I'm sure the audience today is not aware that there's 47
[00:18:10] [Speaker 3]: different therapies for COVID that you could use that have shown efficacy repeatedly in trial after trial.
[00:18:17] [Speaker 3]: Ivermectin is very high at the top. The ones that are at the the way top, they're gray. The reason why they're in gray is because they have less than 4 trials. So you needed to in order to establish enough evidence base, you need at least 5 trials. And
[00:18:30] [Speaker 3]: the point not not the big point of this slide is that if you look at what was used or approved for use or recommended by the NIH,
[00:18:37] [Speaker 3]: in the treatment of COVID,
[00:18:39] [Speaker 3]: that's what I've circled. And if you look, they have one thing in common. They are absurdly expensive slash profitable. So, I mean, casivirumab,
[00:18:47] [Speaker 3]: which is a monoclonal antibody that's $21100
[00:18:50] [Speaker 3]: Paxlovid,
[00:18:51] [Speaker 3]: $500
[00:18:52] [Speaker 3]: for a 5 day course,
[00:18:54] [Speaker 3]: molnupiravir,
[00:18:55] [Speaker 3]: 700, and remdesivir,
[00:18:56] [Speaker 3]: 3,000. It's absurd.
[00:18:58] [Speaker 3]: And then the one thing that was recommended, which is acetaminophen for fever control, if you look all the way at the bottom, that was the that was the one thing they recommended, and that happened to have increased mortality, something that I would know, because suppressing fevers is a a myth that's been going on for a 100 years. You should not suppress fevers, and it actually makes the outcomes worse.
[00:19:16] [Speaker 3]: So
[00:19:17] [Speaker 3]: how did the so my hypothesis, what I'm gonna try to present to you today is the global coordinated campaign to suppress, distort, and dismiss the evidence of efficacy for ivermectin,
[00:19:28] [Speaker 3]: because it was such a threat.
[00:19:30] [Speaker 3]: And when industries are under threat
[00:19:33] [Speaker 3]: from a situation where the science
[00:19:36] [Speaker 3]: that emerging is inconvenient to their interests.
[00:19:39] [Speaker 3]: They have learned long ago in 19 fifties how to execute disinformation campaigns.
[00:19:46] [Speaker 3]: And the disinformation
[00:19:47] [Speaker 3]: playbook, this is, you can still Google it. It's a very short, very brief, very powerful article.
[00:19:54] [Speaker 3]: The disinformation playbook actually was developed by the tobacco industry when the science around cigarettes, causing cancer and lots of other illnesses, was coming out. And they effectively used the disinformation playbook
[00:20:05] [Speaker 3]: for 50 years, right, until finally the attorneys general around the country, took down the tobacco industry with that master settlement.
[00:20:12] [Speaker 3]: But these tactics,
[00:20:14] [Speaker 3]: I I got to see with a front row seat throughout the entire pandemic. So the fake, the blitz, the diversion, the blitz is when they go after scientists. I'm one who's been horrifically persecuted.
[00:20:23] [Speaker 3]: Numerous complaints to my medical board. My medical,
[00:20:26] [Speaker 3]: my, specialty certifications were recently revoked for being misinformationist
[00:20:31] [Speaker 3]: for things that I've said that are totally data driven and and, and really from expert study,
[00:20:36] [Speaker 3]: of another multiple aspects of COVID.
[00:20:39] [Speaker 3]: But that's just one tactic, and I'm gonna go through some of the others with you today. These are the massive evidence bases. Keep in mind, I wrote the book called The War on Ivermectin.
[00:20:48] [Speaker 3]: One of my colleagues could have, easily written the book The War on Hydroxychloroquine.
[00:20:53] [Speaker 3]: It was the same campaign, same tactics, same results. Both
[00:20:57] [Speaker 3]: medicines were dismissed,
[00:20:59] [Speaker 3]: and not used and not recommended.
[00:21:02] [Speaker 3]: And,
[00:21:04] [Speaker 3]: you know, I think it's very well detailed in,
[00:21:07] [Speaker 3]: RFK Jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci.
[00:21:10] [Speaker 3]: This was the, this is the evidence base for hydroxychloroquine.
[00:21:13] [Speaker 3]: Same story, consistent, positive results,
[00:21:16] [Speaker 3]: when you use hydroxychloroquine
[00:21:19] [Speaker 3]: early to treat COVID.
[00:21:21] [Speaker 3]: So the most important one I will tell you,
[00:21:24] [Speaker 3]: most important tactic is the tactic that's called the fake. And the fake is when they design trials
[00:21:32] [Speaker 3]: with a predetermined
[00:21:33] [Speaker 3]: result. The pharmaceutical industry and researchers around the world that work for them or influenced by them
[00:21:39] [Speaker 3]: have been doing this for decades. I don't think I can explain to you how corrupt,
[00:21:45] [Speaker 3]: the institution of science is,
[00:21:47] [Speaker 3]: particularly at the level of high impact medical journals.
[00:21:49] [Speaker 3]: Fraudulent trials appear there regularly. I should say fraudulent slash manipulated.
[00:21:54] [Speaker 3]: And it's actually quite easy. If you study this topic, it's really easy, actually, to do a study on a drug to show that it's ineffective. It's not hard to do. And the the thing that I had, it would really change me as a physician and a man. There's a lot of this awareness of the how deep the corruption is. I was not aware of that before COVID. It was by becoming expert at something that I got to see lies propagated from almost every avenue, from agency leaders, from journals, from media,
[00:22:23] [Speaker 3]: and it really comes from the science. And so what the the trialist did, and he's I would say if I I presented to you guys before over a 100 trials of Ivermectin,
[00:22:31] [Speaker 3]: you probably have only heard of about 6. I have a chapter in my book called the big six, and they were purportedly
[00:22:38] [Speaker 3]: the highest quality rigorous trials.
[00:22:41] [Speaker 3]: But if you look at how they conducted those trials, they literally allowed the control group to take Ivermectin or didn't prevent them from taking Ivermectin. It's very hard to prove that Ivermectin is better than Ivermectin.
[00:22:51] [Speaker 3]: They gave compared to other early treatments, they gave us lower dose for a shorter duration.
[00:22:56] [Speaker 3]: They put in weight limits, so you couldn't appropriately dose patients with obesity who were at highest risk.
[00:23:02] [Speaker 3]: They allowed patients to go into these trials as late as possible, and they tried to keep them,
[00:23:07] [Speaker 3]: mildly ill, you know, healthy, younger people in the trials. So and then they use death as an outcome. And when they were, like, no deaths, they could say that ivermectin wasn't effective. And so,
[00:23:18] [Speaker 3]: numerous of these trials sailed to publication in the top journals in the world. And they were so brazenly manipulated,
[00:23:25] [Speaker 3]: and conceived to be that way that it truly was and still is shocking to me. And I'll give you an example.
[00:23:30] [Speaker 3]: Our own NIH, right, after 2 or 3 years of us literally screaming that you gotta do a trial on Ivermectin,
[00:23:37] [Speaker 3]: they do. And they chose someone from Duke who actually was on the NIH treatment guidelines panel, and she had just received $40,000,000
[00:23:45] [Speaker 3]: grant to do this study.
[00:23:48] [Speaker 3]: And look at what they did. This is just very simple example of what they can do. So originally, the trial
[00:23:53] [Speaker 3]: was set to compare symptoms
[00:23:56] [Speaker 3]: at 14 days,
[00:23:57] [Speaker 3]: and they set,
[00:23:59] [Speaker 3]: a threshold for superiority. If you look all the way to right, the large p, posterior,
[00:24:04] [Speaker 3]: efficacy probability,
[00:24:06] [Speaker 3]: anything above 0.95
[00:24:08] [Speaker 3]: would mean that you had a statistically significant result. That's what their protocol said.
[00:24:13] [Speaker 3]: And somehow,
[00:24:14] [Speaker 3]: in the middle of the trial, what did they do? They moved the outcome to 28 days for a viral syndrome. So So now you're comparing symptoms
[00:24:21] [Speaker 3]: to 28 days, and it lost, purportedly, its statistical efficacy, and they were able to write up the trial, publish it. And no one's asking the question, why would you change the primary outcome in the middle of a trial? That that's a never event. That's not something you never supposed to do is to change your outcomes in the middle. It's called moving the goal post. And I would just, submit,
[00:24:42] [Speaker 3]: conversely, that's what they did in the remdesivir trial, and I'm sure none of you are aware of this. But in remdesivir,
[00:24:48] [Speaker 3]: they were looking for a primary outcome of mortality. They They couldn't get it. There was no mortality improvement remdesivir, so they changed it to a hospital length of stay. And then they then, you know, Fauci came out and called it a game changer. This is this is science that is being manipulated.
[00:25:02] [Speaker 3]: This is another great example of my point.
[00:25:05] [Speaker 3]: This is actually a series of trials on early treatments done by Oxford University in the UK. And if you look, this has the same principal
[00:25:13] [Speaker 3]: investigator. But if you look at the design of these trials, or I'm down to 2 minutes already. If you look at down to to the,
[00:25:20] [Speaker 3]: characteristic of these trials,
[00:25:22] [Speaker 3]: in molnupiravir
[00:25:23] [Speaker 3]: for Merck, they allowed every no one to get in if you were more than 5 days from symptoms. With Ivermectin, they allowed you to, enter as late as possible. They chose older patients, comorbidities,
[00:25:33] [Speaker 3]: healthier patients, and Ivermectin.
[00:25:50] [Speaker 3]: There it was incredibly slow delivery, and then they even started closing more days than just the weekend. So it made it really hard for people who were acutely ill to get in.
[00:25:59] [Speaker 3]: They even stopped with the supply. These are some of the conduct violations.
[00:26:03] [Speaker 3]: Since I only have 2 minutes, and I don't wanna go over time,
[00:26:06] [Speaker 3]: I wanna say that that trial, despite all the shenanigans,
[00:26:10] [Speaker 3]: was actually a positive trial. They found 2 full days shorter time to recovery.
[00:26:15] [Speaker 3]: It was,
[00:26:16] [Speaker 3]: highly statistically significant.
[00:26:19] [Speaker 3]: But then what did they do? They made up a metric. They literally made up a statistic that has never been described in any scientific literature that I could find, which is probability
[00:26:28] [Speaker 3]: that the result is meaningful.
[00:26:31] [Speaker 3]: Now I just would like to ask the audience, do you think getting better 2 full days
[00:26:35] [Speaker 3]: on a treatment compared to placebo,
[00:26:37] [Speaker 3]: is that meaningful to you? It would be highly meaningful to me, and I think most people who have working lives and need their health to function. And so, they literally published this as a negative trial by inventing a statistic. And so this is how industries go after inconvenient,
[00:26:54] [Speaker 3]: science.
[00:26:55] [Speaker 3]: They did lots of rejections and retractions. None of the big positive trials could be published.
[00:27:00] [Speaker 3]: They they
[00:27:01] [Speaker 3]: they retracted quite a few of them and retracted a paper of mine. And so I got to see this war,
[00:27:06] [Speaker 3]: against ivermectin conducted in the in the medical journals. And then it gets worse. I'll make my last point here. This is the forest plot for ivermectin
[00:27:14] [Speaker 3]: in prevention of COVID.
[00:27:16] [Speaker 3]: It is
[00:27:18] [Speaker 3]: incredibly effective
[00:27:19] [Speaker 3]: at preventing your chance of getting COVID. If you look, every trial with the exception of 1 is highly statistically significant with large reductions in probability.
[00:27:28] [Speaker 3]: So you would think that the WHO would look at this evidence base. There's about 4 randomized controlled trials, and then other ones are,
[00:27:35] [Speaker 3]: observational. But what did the WHO do?
[00:27:38] [Speaker 3]: They simply said
[00:27:39] [Speaker 3]: this guideline only addresses its role in treatment. They completely ignored the prevention aspect, and I would ask the crowd to ask yourselves, why do you think they would do that? Then in the treatment guideline,
[00:27:51] [Speaker 3]: they actually found, after excluding tons and tons of data that was submitted to them by their investigator,
[00:27:57] [Speaker 3]: they kept a small collection of trials,
[00:28:00] [Speaker 3]: and they actually found a huge statistically significant reduction in your chance of dying
[00:28:06] [Speaker 3]: if you were treated with ivermectin.
[00:28:08] [Speaker 3]: But they call this is the other thing they do. They call it all low quality evidence, and it shouldn't be believed. And they literally wrote this in their guide. I'm gonna finish on this, slide because I don't wanna go over time.
[00:28:17] [Speaker 3]: But this is the WHO guidelines group. And what they said
[00:28:21] [Speaker 3]: is they felt that even though they had a statistically significant reduction in your chance of death when you were treated with Ivermectin,
[00:28:27] [Speaker 3]: They said that they felt that almost all well informed patients would wanna receive Ivermectin only in the context of a trial, given that the evidence left a very high degree of uncertainty. I just come and give you guys an example of how absurd that is. You need to picture yourself ill with COVID, on a hospital bed, on oxygen,
[00:28:45] [Speaker 3]: and you're gonna tell me that a doctor's gonna come in and say to you, listen.
[00:28:49] [Speaker 3]: You know, we got this drug. It's called Ivermectin. It has a really long high safety profile.
[00:28:55] [Speaker 3]: The best available evidence that we have shows that it reduces your chance of dying of 81%,
[00:29:01] [Speaker 3]: but it's considered low quality data.
[00:29:04] [Speaker 3]: And what would you say is that patient? Would you tell the doctor,
[00:29:08] [Speaker 3]: actually, I'm not comfortable taking that medicine unless it's in the context of a randomized controlled trial, while you're ill with COVID and there's no other treatment options. This is absolutely corrupt, absolutely brazen, and this led to the deaths of millions of people around the world. This war on Ivermectin,
[00:29:23] [Speaker 3]: has an it untold casualties
[00:29:26] [Speaker 3]: around the world, and I've had to witness all of it. And with that, I'll stop.
[00:29:34] [Representative Humphrey]: Thank you, doctor, very much. A great job.
[00:29:37] [Representative Humphrey]: I do I
[00:29:43] [Representative Humphrey]: I do wanna tell you that they've been lying to those horses because they say it, Ivermectin tastes like green apple. It doesn't. It really doesn't. So,
[00:29:52] [Representative Humphrey]: doctor Boden,
[00:29:55] [Representative Humphrey]: can we have you go next
[00:29:57] [Representative Humphrey]: if you're ready to go? Thank you for joining us.
[00:30:00] [Speaker 4]: Thank you. And I I don't have slides,
[00:30:02] [Speaker 4]: but thanks for having me on today.
[00:30:05] [Speaker 4]: I really wanna be there in person,
[00:30:07] [Speaker 4]: but I I have 4 full time jobs that I'm juggling.
[00:30:12] [Speaker 4]: I'm a doctor, but my most important job is being a mother to 4 boys. They're 12, 14, 16, and 18.
[00:30:20] [Speaker 4]: And having 4 boys in 5 years changed the way I practice medicine. I was essentially pregnant for 5 years straight,
[00:30:28] [Speaker 4]: and that experience gave me a very healthy appreciation of what it's like to be a patient.
[00:30:33] [Speaker 4]: I took time off to raise my boys, and when I went back to medicine,
[00:30:38] [Speaker 4]: I decided to take a different approach.
[00:30:41] [Speaker 4]: 6 months before the pandemic
[00:30:42] [Speaker 4]: hit,
[00:30:43] [Speaker 4]: I set up a direct specialty ENT care clinic,
[00:30:47] [Speaker 4]: and my goal was to eliminate third party interference between myself and my patients.
[00:30:53] [Speaker 4]: I call myself 3rd party free, so I don't contract with hospitals. I don't contract with insurance companies,
[00:31:00] [Speaker 4]: and I don't contract with the government.
[00:31:03] [Speaker 4]: The only people that I work for are my patients,
[00:31:06] [Speaker 4]: and and that served me very well during the pandemic.
[00:31:09] [Speaker 4]: My second job and the one I've had the longest is practicing medicine.
[00:31:14] [Speaker 4]: I finished my residency at Stanford in 2003,
[00:31:18] [Speaker 4]: and I'm currently a solo ENT and sleep medicine specialist in Houston, Texas.
[00:31:24] [Speaker 4]: And as an ENT, I treat a lot of respiratory tract infections.
[00:31:28] [Speaker 4]: When the pandemic hit, instead of closing my doors and refusing to see my patients,
[00:31:34] [Speaker 4]: I opened my door I opened my clinic 7 days a week, and I welcomed anyone that needed help.
[00:31:41] [Speaker 4]: Initially, I used hydroxychloroquine,
[00:31:44] [Speaker 4]: but as soon as president Trump suggested that it might be worthwhile looking at, the Texas State Board of Pharmacy
[00:31:51] [Speaker 4]: prohibited all doctors from using it.
[00:31:54] [Speaker 4]: So I did my best with breathing treatments,
[00:31:57] [Speaker 4]: antibiotics, steroids, until monoclonal antibodies came about,
[00:32:01] [Speaker 4]: started using those. Those worked really well.
[00:32:03] [Speaker 4]: But during the 3rd and and largest surge of the pandemic, the summer of 2021,
[00:32:10] [Speaker 4]: the the government took over distribution of monoclonal antibodies.
[00:32:13] [Speaker 4]: They became harder and harder to get. They eventually, I couldn't get them at all. And that's when I turned to Ivermectin.
[00:32:19] [Speaker 4]: I was worried based on all the media hype that I would hurt somebody. So I did what any doctor could do. Anybody any person actually, it doesn't have to be a doctor. Went to the FDA's website.
[00:32:30] [Speaker 4]: I researched the the study that Merck submitted to get the medication approved
[00:32:36] [Speaker 4]: by the FDA, and I found the toxicity data. I also did a literature search trying to find accidental and over and intentional overdoses from Ivermectin
[00:32:44] [Speaker 4]: and could not find any studies.
[00:32:47] [Speaker 4]: So once I was assured it was safe, then I cautiously started using it cautiously because I really wasn't sure it was gonna work as well as the monoclonal antibodies.
[00:32:55] [Speaker 4]: But during the pandemic,
[00:32:56] [Speaker 4]: I successfully
[00:32:58] [Speaker 4]: treated over 6,000 COVID patients, and everybody that received early treatment,
[00:33:03] [Speaker 4]: is alive and well.
[00:33:07] [Speaker 4]: The other then I went on and I I
[00:33:10] [Speaker 4]: sued the FDA last year along with Paul Merrick who was one of the cofounders of FLCCC
[00:33:16] [Speaker 4]: with Pierre Kory
[00:33:18] [Speaker 4]: and another physician, doctor Robert Apter. And we sued the FDA over the misinformation
[00:33:24] [Speaker 4]: that they put on social media, which
[00:33:26] [Speaker 4]: created the war on ivermectin
[00:33:28] [Speaker 4]: as doctor Kory alluded to.
[00:33:31] [Speaker 4]: My third and my hardest job
[00:33:33] [Speaker 4]: is educating
[00:33:34] [Speaker 4]: the public about what I witnessed over the last 4 years.
[00:33:38] [Speaker 4]: I had many patients coming to me very distraught over the mandates,
[00:33:43] [Speaker 4]: and I felt compelled to share those stories on social media.
[00:33:47] [Speaker 4]: This ruffled the feathers of Houston Methodist Hospital, which was the first hospital in the country to mandate the COVID shots,
[00:33:55] [Speaker 4]: And they retaliated by suspending my privileges, and they did it in a very public fashion.
[00:34:00] [Speaker 4]: I learned of the suspension through a text message from a reporter at the Houston Chronicle.
[00:34:04] [Speaker 4]: And then I went on Twitter, and they were
[00:34:07] [Speaker 4]: reporting that I was spreading dangerous misinformation that was harmful to the community.
[00:34:12] [Speaker 4]: The story went global. I had people from Australia
[00:34:15] [Speaker 4]: yelling at me,
[00:34:17] [Speaker 4]: and my life was upended.
[00:34:20] [Speaker 4]: I was kicked off 2 boards.
[00:34:22] [Speaker 4]: I was kicked off
[00:34:23] [Speaker 4]: multiple social media
[00:34:25] [Speaker 4]: sites, and I was turned into the Texas medical board,
[00:34:28] [Speaker 4]: which I'm still fighting 3 years later.
[00:34:31] [Speaker 4]: At the time, one of one of my 4 sons was trying to get in high school,
[00:34:36] [Speaker 4]: and he was rejected from all 4 private schools. One of them admitted that it was because of all the negative
[00:34:42] [Speaker 4]: publicity that, I had been through.
[00:34:45] [Speaker 4]: So, you know, they intended to silence me, but as my dad likes to say, they stepped on the wrong hornet.
[00:34:52] [Speaker 4]: And I decided to fight back,
[00:34:55] [Speaker 4]: and that brings me to my 4th job.
[00:34:58] [Speaker 4]: I I started a nonprofit
[00:35:00] [Speaker 4]: called Americans For Health Freedom,
[00:35:03] [Speaker 4]: and our foundational
[00:35:04] [Speaker 4]: project is to recruit politicians
[00:35:07] [Speaker 4]: to simply state that the COVID shots should be pulled off the market and also pledge not to take donations from big pharma.
[00:35:15] [Speaker 4]: Today, we have 205 elected officials.
[00:35:18] [Speaker 4]: We have 68
[00:35:20] [Speaker 4]: 61 candidates. We have the surgeon general of Florida.
[00:35:23] [Speaker 4]: We have 1 state Republican party, 1 state congressional district,
[00:35:27] [Speaker 4]: and 17 Republican county committees,
[00:35:30] [Speaker 4]: as well as 7 physician organizations who have all pledged
[00:35:34] [Speaker 4]: to simply state the COVID shot should be pulled off the market and not take donations from big pharma.
[00:35:40] [Speaker 4]: The doctors,
[00:35:41] [Speaker 4]: like myself who have spoken out, we have sacrificed our careers. We've sacrificed our reputations,
[00:35:47] [Speaker 4]: and we have sacrificed a tremendous amount of time for this effort.
[00:35:51] [Speaker 4]: We there's no upside to doing this, only downside.
[00:35:55] [Speaker 4]: And if I had taken the other position and if I had vaccinated
[00:35:58] [Speaker 4]: the 6,000 patients that I treated for COVID, I would have made $1,500,000.
[00:36:06] [Speaker 4]: 7% of my new patients in the in the 2 years following the rollout of these COVID shots
[00:36:12] [Speaker 4]: came to see me for injuries directly related
[00:36:16] [Speaker 4]: to the shots.
[00:36:18] [Speaker 4]: In the 21 years of practicing medicine, I I have never seen anything
[00:36:22] [Speaker 4]: like this. Any other product would have been pulled off the market a long time ago.
[00:36:28] [Speaker 4]: I would when I was when the shots came out, I did my own research. I looked at the Pfizer study
[00:36:33] [Speaker 4]: and based on that, I decided not to get the shots.
[00:36:37] [Speaker 4]: The the biggest red flag for me was the way the study was conducted.
[00:36:42] [Speaker 4]: The test subjects
[00:36:43] [Speaker 4]: were not automatically
[00:36:45] [Speaker 4]: tested. It was very subjective. It was based on the physician.
[00:36:49] [Speaker 4]: And then Brooke Jackson,
[00:36:51] [Speaker 4]: was
[00:36:52] [Speaker 4]: a whistleblower for Pfizer and she revealed that the way that these, studies were conducted were
[00:36:59] [Speaker 4]: they were not
[00:37:01] [Speaker 4]: robust
[00:37:01] [Speaker 4]: and,
[00:37:02] [Speaker 4]: that that was not done correctly, which my instincts were correct.
[00:37:07] [Speaker 4]: Pfizer documents that were obtained by Naomi
[00:37:10] [Speaker 4]: Wolf also revealed that the Pfizer told vaccinated men to use 2 forms of contraception
[00:37:17] [Speaker 4]: while having intercourse,
[00:37:19] [Speaker 4]: and women were told not to get pregnant.
[00:37:21] [Speaker 4]: Breastfeeding women were reporting seizures and vomiting in their babies.
[00:37:26] [Speaker 4]: Pfizer lost 238
[00:37:29] [Speaker 4]: records of pregnant women and 34
[00:37:31] [Speaker 4]: of those records that were recovered,
[00:37:34] [Speaker 4]: showed that, and only 34 were recovered.
[00:37:38] [Speaker 4]: 80% of the 236
[00:37:40] [Speaker 4]: women, were reported to or sorry. Of the 3rd 34 women were reported to have lost their their babies.
[00:37:47] [Speaker 4]: We we have the data that these shots are not safe.
[00:37:52] [Speaker 4]: But the problem is we do not have people in power who are willing to acknowledge the data. We we now have 7,000
[00:37:59] [Speaker 4]: studies
[00:37:59] [Speaker 4]: showing adverse reactions
[00:38:01] [Speaker 4]: from the COVID shots.
[00:38:04] [Speaker 4]: There's a recent,
[00:38:05] [Speaker 4]: data came out showing that kids ages 5 to 18 in the US are dying at 5.7
[00:38:12] [Speaker 4]: times higher
[00:38:14] [Speaker 4]: than their back their unvaccinated peers.
[00:38:18] [Speaker 4]: When we look at overall excess deaths,
[00:38:21] [Speaker 4]: in the US from COVID,
[00:38:24] [Speaker 4]: it's twice,
[00:38:26] [Speaker 4]: the natural causes death all cause mortality
[00:38:30] [Speaker 4]: not related to COVID is twice
[00:38:32] [Speaker 4]: what the,
[00:38:33] [Speaker 4]: death was from actual COVID infection.
[00:38:38] [Speaker 4]: Latest study out of England look at over 820,000
[00:38:42] [Speaker 4]: children
[00:38:43] [Speaker 4]: and
[00:38:45] [Speaker 4]: the when you know, there was no overall benefit. No children died in in either arm of the study.
[00:38:52] [Speaker 4]: There was a transient
[00:38:53] [Speaker 4]: decrease in positive
[00:38:55] [Speaker 4]: tests
[00:38:56] [Speaker 4]: in the in the children that got the COVID shots.
[00:38:59] [Speaker 4]: But what was most alarming is that
[00:39:03] [Speaker 4]: the incident the patients that got myocarditis
[00:39:07] [Speaker 4]: and pericarditis
[00:39:08] [Speaker 4]: were only the ones that were vaccinated.
[00:39:13] [Speaker 4]: These shots are really all risk,
[00:39:15] [Speaker 4]: no benefit.
[00:39:18] [Speaker 4]: And like I said, they should have been pulled off the market,
[00:39:21] [Speaker 4]: a long time ago.
[00:39:23] [Speaker 4]: I I predict that
[00:39:26] [Speaker 4]: many of the members
[00:39:28] [Speaker 4]: of the Oklahoma legislature
[00:39:30] [Speaker 4]: are no longer comfortable getting these shots
[00:39:33] [Speaker 4]: nor giving them to their children.
[00:39:36] [Speaker 4]: And I I ask you if they aren't safe enough for you, and if they're not safe enough for your children
[00:39:42] [Speaker 4]: or your grandchildren,
[00:39:43] [Speaker 4]: then how are they safe enough for your constituents?
[00:39:48] [Speaker 4]: I urge you to stand up to big pharma
[00:39:51] [Speaker 4]: and use your power to to protect your constituents.
[00:39:55] [Speaker 4]: Your duty is to protect the people
[00:39:58] [Speaker 4]: that
[00:39:59] [Speaker 4]: elected you.
[00:40:00] [Speaker 4]: And if you weren't informed before today,
[00:40:04] [Speaker 4]: you are now.
[00:40:05] [Speaker 4]: Make history and please join this effort.
[00:40:08] [Speaker 4]: Britain, France, Japan, Australia, Sweden, and Germany
[00:40:12] [Speaker 4]: do not give COVID shots to the children.
[00:40:16] [Speaker 4]: The US is an outlier, and the US now recommends that all babies should get 3 mRNA
[00:40:22] [Speaker 4]: shots
[00:40:23] [Speaker 4]: before the age of 9 months. That's on the pediatric
[00:40:25] [Speaker 4]: vaccine schedule by the CDC.
[00:40:28] [Speaker 4]: Let Oklahoma
[00:40:29] [Speaker 4]: be known as a state that puts safety over profits,
[00:40:33] [Speaker 4]: and let's let Oklahoma become the 1st state in the country to ban these dangerous mRNA shots.
[00:40:40] [Speaker 4]: Eliminating mandates is not enough.
[00:40:43] [Speaker 4]: Choice requires
[00:40:44] [Speaker 4]: informed consent.
[00:40:46] [Speaker 4]: Informed consent requires nonfraudulent
[00:40:49] [Speaker 4]: data
[00:40:50] [Speaker 4]: interpreted by independent doctors
[00:40:53] [Speaker 4]: who prioritize
[00:40:54] [Speaker 4]: patients over profits.
[00:40:56] [Speaker 4]: Thank you.
[00:40:59] [Representative Humphrey]: Thank you. Great job, doctor.
[00:41:02] [Representative Humphrey]: We'll move on to our next speaker,
[00:41:05] [Representative Humphrey]: Kevin
[00:41:06] [Representative Humphrey]: McCarman.
[00:41:07] [Representative Humphrey]: Did I get that right, Kevin?
[00:41:09] [Representative Humphrey]: I know I got the Kevin. Right?
[00:41:11] [Speaker 5]: That is correct. Thank you. Thank you. And, let me see if I can get you to
[00:41:16] [Speaker 5]: PowerPoint.
[00:41:18] [Speaker 5]: Everyone see those slides okay?
[00:41:22] [Representative Humphrey]: Okay. Yes. Looks good.
[00:41:25] [Speaker 5]: Okay. So I I've got about 25 years of background in the genomics field. I used to be the team leader for research and development on the human genome project at, the Whiting Institute at MIT,
[00:41:35] [Speaker 5]: 60,000 citations to my name and started multiple genomics companies that have, since been acquired by other large,
[00:41:41] [Speaker 5]: biotech firms in the space.
[00:41:43] [Speaker 5]: About,
[00:41:44] [Speaker 5]: 18 months ago, I sequenced one of these vaccines and was surprised to find that the expression vectors that make the vaccines are still in the vials. This is the the DNA contamination that you may have heard of.
[00:41:55] [Speaker 5]: This has since been replicated in Canada, in a study of about 30 vials. They found similar effects, up in Canada.
[00:42:02] [Speaker 5]: It's also been replicated
[00:42:04] [Speaker 5]: by, doctor Buchholz in South Carolina who testified on this. It's been replicated in Connecticut,
[00:42:09] [Speaker 5]: from, doctor Xin Lee. And, very recently, Bridget Koning's group got their study through peer review, that found similar contaminations that are log scales over the limit.
[00:42:19] [Speaker 5]: 3 different government agencies have now admitted that this contamination is there. They have not admitted that it is a health risk, which I will walk you through, why they are incorrect in that matter.
[00:42:29] [Speaker 5]: Bridget's work is peer reviewed, and you can find that here.
[00:42:33] [Speaker 5]: So we are no longer arguing whether they're contaminated. We are only arguing whether they're a 100 fold contaminated or a 1000 fold contaminated. It's the log scale that we're now debating, in the scientific field.
[00:42:43] [Speaker 5]: How did they miss such a large deviation?
[00:42:47] [Speaker 5]: Well, you can look to Moderna's own patents to figure this out. This is from Steven Bansal himself, or Stefan Bansal himself, who's the CEO of Moderna, and their patents teach you not to use qPCR to measure this because qPCR only measures a very small portion of the contamination
[00:43:01] [Speaker 5]: and can't possibly see everything.
[00:43:03] [Speaker 5]: So it underestimates
[00:43:04] [Speaker 5]: the problem.
[00:43:06] [Speaker 5]: And so it shouldn't surprise you when you ask the TGA in Australia, can we see your PCR methods? They retract them all or redact the documents so that you can't see what tools they're using. But what we can see from what has been released is they are stepping into a very simple PCR trap. They're only amplifying a single region of the plasmid,
[00:43:24] [Speaker 5]: and we have shown in these publications that there can be a 100 fold difference if you only use and target a single region of the plasmid versus looking in in the spike region, for example.
[00:43:34] [Speaker 5]: David Spieker has published this. There is a good 100 fold difference if you change the amplicons.
[00:43:39] [Speaker 5]: So, this is a known way to deceive people, is you pick a primer set that doesn't behave well, and, you use an assay
[00:43:46] [Speaker 5]: that, that underestimates the problem, and you can get through some of these regulations.
[00:43:51] [Speaker 5]: Alright. So how did this contamination come about? Well, the trial, most people there may not know, the trial for the actual vaccines
[00:43:58] [Speaker 5]: that you heard, that 95% vaccine efficacy number, was not performed on the products that was given to the public. They they did a a bit of a bait and switch here. This is a they they used a PCR process to amplify their template, which which dramatically reduces the amount of background DNA that's present,
[00:44:14] [Speaker 5]: and that's what made the shots for the trials. When they had to scale this up, they skipped that step, and they started using the plasmids directly from E. Coli to actually amplify their plasmids. And with that comes a a very large
[00:44:22] [Speaker 5]: actually amplify their plasmids. And with that comes a a very large background of of contaminating DNA. This bait and switch is described in this BMJ article from Rensis Levy.
[00:44:28] [Speaker 5]: So what does this mean? This means you don't just have the background contamination of the spike
[00:44:37] [Speaker 5]: sequence that makes the vaccine. You have all these other components in the vaccine that you're seeing depicted in these circles. You have kanamycin resistance genes, which is an antibiotic resistance gene, and you have mammalian origins of replication, which are pieces of DNA
[00:44:49] [Speaker 5]: that help this DNA replicate in mammalian cells. You don't want that to happen if you're injecting people.
[00:44:55] [Speaker 5]: There's also a a very curious omission in Pfizer's submission to the FDA and to the EMA, which is they hid a portion of the of the DNA sequence that's quite controversial. They hid something known as SV 40.
[00:45:06] [Speaker 5]: SV 40 contaminated the polio vaccines. Now the polio vaccines were contaminated by the full virus. This is only a piece of it. However, it is when you load these types of DNA sequences into these tools that annotate these plasmids,
[00:45:19] [Speaker 5]: by default, these SV 40 regions get annotated. Somebody at Pfizer had to go and erase it before handing it in. So this is a very intentional
[00:45:27] [Speaker 5]: omission of very, pertinent information
[00:45:31] [Speaker 5]: because that SV 40 piece of DNA is, we're gonna touch on is very important. So the initial public regulatory response was was yes. The SV 40 is there. They are right about this, from the work that they have published. Pfizer did not tell this to them. So they've they've admitted that Pfizer deceived them. They then turned to Pfizer to ask them if it clinically mattered, and they, for some reason, they believed the that answer that they were given. Pfizer told them the DNA is too small in length to matter. We we now know from from ATIPS in Canada that is a flat out lie. They do not have an assay to measure the length.
[00:46:01] [Speaker 5]: They said the DNA is too small in quantity matter. Well, that might be true if they use these tricks by using qPCR, which their patents warn them not to use. They've also said that it's not functional. I wanna go through the functionality first because the functionality of this DNA is that it drives DNA to the nucleus.
[00:46:17] [Speaker 5]: This s v 40 plasmid that Pfizer used, they're on the public record saying that they got it from the gene therapy division. This is a tool that people use to get DNA into the nucleus to alter the genome. This is an s v 40 nuclear targeting sequence. It is also a sequence that is known to bind to the p 53 tumor suppressor gene. We're injecting 60,000,000,000 of these copies with every dose of this sequence right here that you can see that binds to p 53. You do not wanna bind p 53. That is that is the gene that keeps tumors at bay.
[00:46:46] [Speaker 5]: There are,
[00:46:47] [Speaker 5]: a lot of guidelines for how much DNA you could have in a shot that have evolved over the years. It used to be a 1,000 fold lower back in the back in the eighties, and the pharmaceutical industry has lobbied to raise those limits over time. What is very different about these vaccines is we are not injecting naked DNA. Naked DNA has a 10 minute half life in the blood. We're injecting DNA that's coated in lipid nanoparticles that is protected from degradation and gets transfected directly into your cells. So the there's a very high spontaneous integration rate when you do this.
[00:47:15] [Speaker 5]: You do not have to believe us with the literature on this. This is actually stated very clearly in Moderna's own patents. They they they invented technologies to reduce the amount of DNA contamination because they knew that this has an oncogenic risk and can actually alter the genome. We do not publish this. This is their own patents, and they're inventing things to try to limit this. They do have less DNA contamination with Pfizer, so they're doing something unique there. So how long do we find this stuff in other studies? Well, the modified RNA, or I should say the nucleic acids, because most of these tests do not discern DNA from RNA, they can find in heart tissue after 30 days from the Krausen paper. They find it in lip nodes, 60 days, from the Rolchan paper. It was found in placenta, 2 to 10 days after birth. Plasma, 28 days. Found in breast milk, 5 days later from the Hanna paper. We have very recently found this in tumor biopsies.
[00:48:03] [Speaker 5]: We have not this is not published yet, so it's it's going through, the whole preprint process. But,
[00:48:08] [Speaker 5]: what is remarkable about this is when you inject a vaccine,
[00:48:11] [Speaker 5]: you should get a 64,000 fold dilution into the human body volume. The human body volume is 87 liters. We're putting in 300 to 1.2
[00:48:19] [Speaker 5]: ml's into these injections. If you take 4 jabs,
[00:48:22] [Speaker 5]: you're getting 1.2 ml's. That's a 644,000
[00:48:26] [Speaker 5]: fold dilution you should get. We're not seeing that in the tumor. We're seeing signals that are as high as the vaccine itself directly from the vial. What that tells you is that the mammalian origin of replication that's in these vaccines is replicating when it gets inside of its host.
[00:48:40] [Speaker 5]: We don't know if this is happening in all people. We just have seen this in, one tumor sample so far, which is a colon can cancer biopsy.
[00:48:47] [Speaker 5]: But this is an extraordinarily high amount of plasmid contamination
[00:48:51] [Speaker 5]: considering we can barely get these PCR signals directly out of the vaccine itself.
[00:48:56] [Speaker 5]: Okay. Could this lead to cancer? Well, there's a host of reasons why this could be contributing to cancer. It's probably not the only thing that could lead to cancer, but there are some papers showing that p 53 and BRCA 1 are inhibited by the spike protein. There's other, issues here related to the n n one methylsutouridine
[00:49:12] [Speaker 5]: and the LNPs, but, you know, the the point is these vaccines have many things that could contribute to cancer, and the DNA is just one of them. If they clean up the DNA entirely,
[00:49:21] [Speaker 5]: this problem probably won't go away.
[00:49:24] [Speaker 5]: However, you do not need the genome to be integrated with in order for it to cause cancer. There are papers out there showing that cytosolic DNA alone, that's when you put this in an LNP and get into a cell, can trigger a pathway known as the c gas sting pathway to create oncogenesis.
[00:49:38] [Speaker 5]: I think this is maybe what what's at play. So last slide here. The regulators' public messaging is not congruent with their internal emails.
[00:49:45] [Speaker 5]: They have come out saying there's nothing to see here. The fragments are of no length to matter, yet Pfizer's on record with Health Canada saying they don't even have an assay to measure the length, and the regulators are running cover for them. That's a very dangerous situation to be in, and this is why we need states to to to act here is that the federal agencies seem to be captured. The regulators are telling the public the DNA is no consequence, while they're also asking Pfizer to remove it. That's a contradiction.
[00:50:10] [Speaker 5]: They're claiming the DNA is tested for while the EMA leak show Pfizer is not measuring the DNA and the RNA with the same tools,
[00:50:17] [Speaker 5]: you know, at the the final stage in the in the production stage. So,
[00:50:20] [Speaker 5]: we can see the emails that are coming out and what has been foiled and ATIP that there is a very,
[00:50:26] [Speaker 5]: busy game of cover up going on here, and what they're giving to the public for information is not congruent with what has come out of these, out of these leaks. So, with that, I'll leave it for questions. Thank you.
[00:50:42] [Representative Humphrey]: Thank thank you very much. We're we're gonna move on. We're not gonna take questions until we end, but I appreciate you very much.
[00:50:50] [Representative Humphrey]: And we're gonna move to doctor
[00:50:52] [Representative Humphrey]: Lindsey.
[00:50:55] [Speaker 6]: Hi. Thank you.
[00:50:57] [Speaker 6]: I'm gonna try to grab these slides off of here.
[00:50:59] [Speaker 6]: I'm not seeing the the
[00:51:01] [Speaker 6]: browser.
[00:51:04] [Speaker 6]: Just a moment.
[00:51:07] [Speaker 6]: Just a moment.
[00:51:22] [Speaker 6]: K.
[00:51:26] [Speaker 6]: Are you seeing my slides?
[00:51:29] [Representative Humphrey]: No. We're not.
[00:51:31] [Speaker 6]: You're you're still not seeing the slides? Nope. Okay.
[00:51:34] [Speaker 6]: Why don't you go ahead and put up the slides?
[00:51:37] [Speaker 6]: I'm not sure. Wait. Let me let me try right now. Okay.
[00:51:41] [Speaker 5]: We can see your screen there, I believe. Yeah. What
[00:51:46] [Speaker 6]: Okay. It's just not,
[00:51:48] [Representative Humphrey]: it's it's just that I create a aura about,
[00:51:51] [Representative Humphrey]: technology that does this. Okay?
[00:51:54] [Speaker 6]: Well, I apologize.
[00:51:57] [Speaker 6]: Yeah. I'm using a different computer that has better bandwidth, but I don't wanna waste time. So let's go ahead and put up the slides that you have,
[00:52:03] [Speaker 6]: and then I'll go ahead and say,
[00:52:06] [Speaker 6]: pass.
[00:52:08] [Speaker 5]: It says I'm sharing, so I don't know. There there's a window option, and there's a, there's 2 options there.
[00:52:14] [Speaker 6]: Jens. Jens.
[00:52:16] [Speaker 6]: Yeah.
[00:52:17] [Speaker 6]: Yeah. That's okay. I'm gonna,
[00:52:20] [Speaker 6]: how do I
[00:52:22] [Speaker 6]: okay. So,
[00:52:26] [Speaker 6]: let me can you go ahead and just put up the slides that you have,
[00:52:30] [Speaker 6]: and I'll go forward?
[00:52:32] [Speaker 6]: Excuse
[00:52:33] [Speaker 6]: me.
[00:52:34] [Speaker 6]: Again, my name is Doctor. Jamsi Chen Lindsay.
[00:52:38] [Speaker 6]: I am a toxicologist
[00:52:39] [Speaker 6]: and a molecular biologist
[00:52:41] [Speaker 6]: and, I have over 30 years of scientific research experience.
[00:52:45] [Speaker 6]: I've worked on the development of a traditional peptide based vaccine
[00:52:50] [Speaker 6]: and immunocontroceptive
[00:52:51] [Speaker 6]: that didn't work despite,
[00:52:54] [Speaker 6]: our best efforts. It was supposed to be a temporary immunocontroception.
[00:52:57] [Speaker 6]: It ended up causing,
[00:52:59] [Speaker 6]: permanent sterility and ovarian destruction through autoimmune mechanisms.
[00:53:03] [Speaker 6]: So I know the necessity for there to be,
[00:53:07] [Speaker 6]: absolutely,
[00:53:08] [Speaker 6]: thorough research before a vaccine is released to the public.
[00:53:12] [Speaker 6]: These are not vaccines. Please go to the next slide
[00:53:16] [Speaker 6]: forward,
[00:53:17] [Speaker 6]: the next two slides.
[00:53:21] [Speaker 6]: So,
[00:53:23] [Speaker 6]: these
[00:53:24] [Speaker 6]: genetic vaccines were sold to the public and sold to the globe through a series of lies.
[00:53:29] [Speaker 6]: It was not only
[00:53:31] [Speaker 6]: the manufacturers who lied to the public that might be expected,
[00:53:34] [Speaker 6]: but it was also the safety and regulatory agencies whom scientists and physicians around the world
[00:53:41] [Speaker 6]: had trusted,
[00:53:42] [Speaker 6]: to safely regulate,
[00:53:45] [Speaker 6]: products like this that would go into the population.
[00:53:48] [Speaker 6]: The media lied and and many people in the government lied and continue to lie about the true nature of these shots.
[00:53:55] [Speaker 6]: These are the lies. The COVID vaccines are not gene therapy.
[00:53:59] [Speaker 6]: These shots will stay in the arm and don't go far from the injection site. The modified synthetic,
[00:54:06] [Speaker 6]: RNA from the COVID vaccines breaks down rapidly in cells and is natural.
[00:54:10] [Speaker 6]: The COVID genetic vaccines or spike protein product cannot enter the nucleus of the cell. The COVID genetic vaxx mRNA cannot be reversed transcribed to DNA and integrate into the genome.
[00:54:21] [Speaker 6]: There is no DNA in the vaccines which could change your DNA.
[00:54:25] [Speaker 6]: Genetic changes from the shots will not be passed on to your children.
[00:54:30] [Speaker 6]: The COVID shots are safe to be given during pregnancy based upon rigorous studies.
[00:54:35] [Speaker 6]: The shots only cause the creation of the spike protein, not other proteins.
[00:54:40] [Speaker 6]: The COVID shots are effective at preventing the contraction and transmission of COVID.
[00:54:45] [Speaker 6]: There are no other existing safe and effective treatments for SARS CoV 2.
[00:54:49] [Speaker 6]: The COVID shots are effective at preventing death and severe disease from COVID.
[00:54:53] [Speaker 6]: The COVID shots do not shed to or harm others. Next slide. These are all lies that were sold to the people in order to get these products to market.
[00:55:03] [Speaker 6]: COVID genetic vaccines are in fact, gene therapies,
[00:55:06] [Speaker 6]: the Pfizer and Moderna SEC filings and patents listed this technology clearly as a gene therapy.
[00:55:12] [Speaker 6]: Anytime you take a genetic sequence and you inject it into somebody
[00:55:16] [Speaker 6]: and it causes your cells to make a protein that it would otherwise not make due to that genetic sequence, that is a gene therapy.
[00:55:23] [Speaker 6]: Now,
[00:55:24] [Speaker 6]: the head of theirs pharmaceutical
[00:55:26] [Speaker 6]: division said something really interesting on October of 2022.
[00:55:32] [Speaker 6]: Steven Ulrich
[00:55:33] [Speaker 6]: said
[00:55:34] [Speaker 6]: in October of 2/22, ultimately the MRN vaccines are an example of that cellular gene therapy.
[00:55:41] [Speaker 6]: I always like to say, if we had surveyed 2 years ago, would you be willing to take a cell or gene therapy and inject it into your body? We would have had a 99%
[00:55:51] [Speaker 6]: refusal rate.
[00:55:52] [Speaker 6]: I think this pandemic has also opened many people's eyes to innovation
[00:55:57] [Speaker 6]: in many ways that were not possible
[00:56:00] [Speaker 6]: before.
[00:56:01] [Speaker 6]: In that, he's referring to innovation,
[00:56:04] [Speaker 6]: as to lying to the people about what these were in order to get them in every arm and so that they could make a profit
[00:56:12] [Speaker 6]: while also lying to the American people about the dangers of these shots. Go to the next slide, please.
[00:56:18] [Speaker 6]: So why gene therapies didn't make it to market,
[00:56:21] [Speaker 6]: in over 30 years of research, the reason why they never made it to market previously
[00:56:25] [Speaker 6]: is because they have the tendency to cause lethal cancers, mostly leukemia, sometimes lymphomas
[00:56:31] [Speaker 6]: through integrating into host DNA,
[00:56:33] [Speaker 6]: through a process called insertional mutagenesis
[00:56:35] [Speaker 6]: in places where they should not be. They also cause lethal autoimmune reactions.
[00:56:41] [Speaker 6]: There was the risk of verna
[00:56:43] [Speaker 6]: inadvertent gene transfer to the progeny
[00:56:46] [Speaker 6]: if the gene therapy made it to the testes and ovaries. And this risk was seen as being so substantial
[00:56:52] [Speaker 6]: that they actually sterilized the first recipients of gene therapies.
[00:56:57] [Speaker 6]: In short, the risk was only worth a reward for otherwise
[00:57:00] [Speaker 6]: lethal disease. And you can read about this in Nancy P King's accident and desire inadvertent germline effects
[00:57:06] [Speaker 6]: in clinical research. Next slide, please.
[00:57:10] [Speaker 6]: So lipid nanoparticles, the delivery system,
[00:57:14] [Speaker 6]: this delivery system coats
[00:57:16] [Speaker 6]: the DNA and RNA that would otherwise be attacked by your body integrated.
[00:57:21] [Speaker 6]: It transverses
[00:57:23] [Speaker 6]: the outer cell membrane and also transverses a nuclear membrane where it can drop the payload. Next slide, please.
[00:57:32] [Speaker 6]: Lipid and pain toxicities intrinsically unsafe.
[00:57:35] [Speaker 6]: So the LNPs themselves,
[00:57:37] [Speaker 6]: are toxic. DSPC
[00:57:39] [Speaker 6]: is toxic to reproduction.
[00:57:41] [Speaker 6]: It's toxic
[00:57:43] [Speaker 6]: to fetuses and embryos. It's it's toxic to the liver, and it's a for a confirmed animal carcinogen, and it is part of the formulation of the the lipid nanoparticles.
[00:57:53] [Speaker 6]: 72% of people are estimated to have antibodies to polyethylene glycol.
[00:57:57] [Speaker 6]: Some of these antibody reactions are fatal in other formulations such as the cancer drug Doxil.
[00:58:04] [Speaker 6]: Please go ahead
[00:58:06] [Speaker 6]: to the next slide.
[00:58:08] [Speaker 6]: The genetic vaccines don't stay at the injection site. So both Moderna and Pfizer studies
[00:58:13] [Speaker 6]: showed that these genetic vaccines go all over the body, preferentially to the ovaries, but also to the testes, the bone marrow, the brain, the skin,
[00:58:24] [Speaker 6]: the liver,
[00:58:25] [Speaker 6]: the blood,
[00:58:27] [Speaker 6]: to all the organs
[00:58:29] [Speaker 6]: essentially,
[00:58:30] [Speaker 6]: and that is not what people were told. People were told that they would stay mainly at the injection site.
[00:58:36] [Speaker 6]: Go to the next slide, please.
[00:58:39] [Speaker 6]: The this,
[00:58:41] [Speaker 6]: mRNA is also synthetic
[00:58:43] [Speaker 6]: modified mRNA,
[00:58:44] [Speaker 6]: which means it hangs around longer than it would do in the natural environment. The longer it hangs around,
[00:58:50] [Speaker 6]: the more likely that it can be reverse transcribed
[00:58:53] [Speaker 6]: to DNA, especially in the testes and ovaries where there are enzymes, line 1 enzymes,
[00:58:59] [Speaker 6]: that reverse transcribe these. They're constitutively
[00:59:01] [Speaker 6]: expressed in the testes and ovaries, and we would expect for that to happen.
[00:59:06] [Speaker 6]: Once that happens, then you can have direct genomic integration,
[00:59:10] [Speaker 6]: causing site directed mutagenesis leading to cancers.
[00:59:13] [Speaker 6]: You can have inheritable changes in progeny through sperm and egg uptake and and alterations there. Next slide, please.
[00:59:22] [Speaker 6]: So new research also shows that off target, random proteins are being made from the COVID gene therapies, not just spike. So all kinds of different proteins are being made,
[00:59:32] [Speaker 6]: because of the phenomenon of ribosomal
[00:59:35] [Speaker 6]: frame shifting. So you're not just getting spike protein. You're getting all kinds of proteins, and these are not well defined at all. So when you're giving these to people, you're saying it's okay
[00:59:46] [Speaker 6]: to have all this other junk in there,
[00:59:49] [Speaker 6]: including
[00:59:50] [Speaker 6]: the DNA plasmid contamination.
[00:59:53] [Speaker 6]: Next slide, please.
[00:59:55] [Speaker 6]: The spike does go to the nucleus. Here it is. Here is spike.
[01:00:00] [Speaker 6]: In the nucleus, here is a stain for spike
[01:00:04] [Speaker 6]: showing that they converge,
[01:00:06] [Speaker 6]: at the same time in the nucleus. So it does go to the nucleus,
[01:00:10] [Speaker 6]: where it can inhibit tumor suppressor proteins, as Kevin said. Next slide, please.
[01:00:16] [Speaker 6]: And my timer went off. So please tell me when I'm getting close.
[01:00:19] [Speaker 6]: They said that the shots won't change your DNA, but as Kevin went over, there are several experiments that have been done in vivo and in vitro
[01:00:29] [Speaker 6]: that show that,
[01:00:30] [Speaker 6]: these shots can in fact change DNA,
[01:00:33] [Speaker 6]: in vitro,
[01:00:34] [Speaker 6]: you know, ovarian carcinoma cells. They were integrated at chromosomes 912,
[01:00:39] [Speaker 6]: in v pardon?
[01:00:44] [Speaker 6]: Next slide. We're go
[01:00:46] [Speaker 6]: pardon?
[01:00:47] [Representative Humphrey]: You're fine. Go ahead.
[01:00:49] [Speaker 6]: Okay. Sorry. Next slide.
[01:00:53] [Speaker 6]: Okay. So these are 10 potential ways that the genetic vaccines can induce cancer or more. I'm not gonna go through all of these. My slides are available. I wanna get on to the next slide.
[01:01:04] [Speaker 6]: Kevin discussed many of this. Are the genetic vaccines being taken up by sperm and lipid nanoparticles or exosomes?
[01:01:11] [Speaker 6]: This is a process
[01:01:13] [Speaker 6]: process called sperm mediated gene transfer, next slide,
[01:01:17] [Speaker 6]: through which,
[01:01:19] [Speaker 6]: DNA that gets into
[01:01:21] [Speaker 6]: the testes and is available to sperm,
[01:01:25] [Speaker 6]: can be taken up by the sperm and can be passed on to the next generation, and it does not have to be integrated.
[01:01:31] [Speaker 6]: It can be tethered extra chromosomal and expressed as a plasmid,
[01:01:35] [Speaker 6]: making,
[01:01:36] [Speaker 6]: progeny
[01:01:37] [Speaker 6]: where some of the cells express the protein and some of them don't.
[01:01:41] [Speaker 6]: This
[01:01:42] [Speaker 6]: this could be happening with these gene therapies. Next slide, please.
[01:01:47] [Speaker 6]: Okay. So evidence for shedding eliminates choice. Pierre has done, doctor Poirier has done a great series on shedding.
[01:01:53] [Speaker 6]: There is evidence that these,
[01:01:56] [Speaker 6]: in fact do shed, especially because Kevin shows they are self replicating, so they are not stopping in production,
[01:02:02] [Speaker 6]: which means and plasmids are able to be passed between people. In fact, some lab workers in Seattle
[01:02:08] [Speaker 6]: actually were working with COVID vaccines,
[01:02:10] [Speaker 6]: pass them on to their family members after they became nasally infected. They passed the plasmids to their family members. In this way, the COVID plasmids that are contaminating,
[01:02:20] [Speaker 6]: adulterating these can also be passed on to other people. Next slide, please.
[01:02:25] [Speaker 6]: This is Ivermectin and and HCQ, which are potent against,
[01:02:30] [Speaker 6]: against COVID. We've already heard about that from doctor Kory. Next slide, please.
[01:02:36] [Speaker 6]: I think, it is
[01:02:38] [Speaker 6]: worthwhile noting that while the FDA and CDC were gaslighting the public that ivermectin was only for horses, they accidentally left up in table 2e on the NIH site,
[01:02:48] [Speaker 6]: that it was still being studied and was,
[01:02:52] [Speaker 6]: an an antiviral
[01:02:53] [Speaker 6]: approved or under investigation to treat COVID in July of 2/21 when I was writing a report. I grabbed this. Next slide. So they always knew.
[01:03:03] [Speaker 6]: Remdesivir,
[01:03:05] [Speaker 6]: failed Ebola drug. Even the WHO
[01:03:08] [Speaker 6]: didn't recommend it.
[01:03:11] [Speaker 6]: Ended up with a 138
[01:03:13] [Speaker 6]: observed cases of acute kidney injury instead of the 9 expected, a 20 fold increase in AKI from what was expected.
[01:03:21] [Speaker 6]: So as of November 2 20, the WHO didn't even recommend this drug for use yet. We used it in America for all of these patients. All of these hospitals had to use it as a singular treatment.
[01:03:33] [Speaker 6]: The API
[01:03:34] [Speaker 6]: for remdesivir
[01:03:36] [Speaker 6]: use shows a 650%
[01:03:39] [Speaker 6]: increase in acute kidney injury if you use the drug corresponding with an odds ratio of 7.2.
[01:03:46] [Speaker 6]: And the vehicle that, is used with remdesivir
[01:03:49] [Speaker 6]: is also toxic and causes liver toxicity and frank and petacellular
[01:03:54] [Speaker 6]: necrosis.
[01:03:54] [Speaker 6]: Next slide.
[01:03:57] [Speaker 6]: And and this just shows that the COVID shots are not effective. The more shots you take,
[01:04:02] [Speaker 6]: the the,
[01:04:03] [Speaker 6]: more likely you are to get COVID. Next slide.
[01:04:08] [Speaker 6]: Okay.
[01:04:09] [Speaker 6]: Kevin went over this, and I wanna just finish up here.
[01:04:13] [Speaker 6]: Next slide.
[01:04:17] [Speaker 6]: I wanna finish up here and and add to to my talk and say that these shots are under emergency use authorization, and that's really important because people are saying, why isn't the FDA? Why isn't the government pulling these shots if they're contaminated
[01:04:30] [Speaker 6]: and they have all of these findings?
[01:04:33] [Speaker 6]: The reason why they're not is because the shots are under emergency
[01:04:36] [Speaker 6]: use authorization
[01:04:37] [Speaker 6]: and under emergency use authorization to the amendments that were made to the FD and C code under 21 CFR 360 BBB through 3A.
[01:04:46] [Speaker 6]: These shots are allowed to be contaminated,
[01:04:48] [Speaker 6]: adulterated,
[01:04:49] [Speaker 6]: mislabeled, misbranded,
[01:04:51] [Speaker 6]: and not undergo any good manufacturing
[01:04:54] [Speaker 6]: practice, and they still must be approved by the FDA.
[01:04:57] [Speaker 6]: You need to understand they are allowed to be contaminated, adulterated, misbranded, mislabeled,
[01:05:02] [Speaker 6]: not go through good manufacturing process, and they still must be approved and licensed by the FDA.
[01:05:08] [Speaker 6]: That is the most important thing I'm going to say other than you must pull these shots.
[01:05:12] [Speaker 6]: You can't allow these to be given to any more children. Children are dying every day from these shots.
[01:05:18] [Speaker 6]: You have to protect your constituents, please. I I am just really begging you at this point
[01:05:25] [Speaker 6]: to do so.
[01:05:27] [Speaker 6]: We obviously know it's not safe if the FDA wanted to hide the the study results for 75 years.
[01:05:34] [Speaker 6]: Thanks.
[01:05:35] [Representative Humphrey]: Thank you very much. Appreciate.
[01:05:39] [Speaker 6]: Yeah. Thank you for having me. Sorry for the technical difficulties
[01:05:42] [Speaker 6]: there.
[01:05:43] [Representative Humphrey]: Thank you very much. We appreciate you.
[01:05:46] [Representative Humphrey]: Warren,
[01:05:47] [Representative Humphrey]: if you're ready to go.
[01:05:49] [Speaker 7]: I am. I I've got a little,
[01:05:52] [Speaker 7]: I I guess what I'm bringing to you today
[01:05:55] [Speaker 7]: is,
[01:05:56] [Speaker 7]: more of a report from the battlefront
[01:05:58] [Speaker 7]: of law that we're engaged in, and and I'm not sure everybody knows who I am or what I do. I run Mendenhall Law Group, which is a small firm of 6 attorneys.
[01:06:09] [Speaker 7]: We have fought every aspect of the COVID crisis, business shutdowns, quarantines, masking, education, mandates employment, health care, federal contracting, and private industry,
[01:06:18] [Speaker 7]: vaccine injury,
[01:06:20] [Speaker 7]: pandemic fraud in the PPP, EIDL, and SBA programs,
[01:06:24] [Speaker 7]: clinical trial fraud. Brooke Jackson is my client against Pfizer,
[01:06:28] [Speaker 7]: and she showed that,
[01:06:30] [Speaker 7]: these these shots were unsafe and ineffective, and more people died in the trial arm than in the placebo arm.
[01:06:38] [Speaker 7]: That was a critical issue, and I think that her efforts
[01:06:41] [Speaker 7]: stopped millions of people from taking these shots.
[01:06:44] [Speaker 7]: I wanna give you an update on that case since vaccines are have been an issue here today. The federal government intervened in the case,
[01:06:52] [Speaker 7]: and it said that my client's revelations of fraud and harm in clinical trials that showed these shots as unsafe, ineffective, and dangerous
[01:07:00] [Speaker 7]: was contrary to the public health policy of the United States.
[01:07:04] [Speaker 7]: So that really begs a question, and I asked them in federal court. I said, is fraud
[01:07:10] [Speaker 7]: the public health policy of the United States?
[01:07:13] [Speaker 7]: And guess where they were sitting, by the way, with the Pfizer attorneys. That's where our government is at. I'm sorry. Have slides. I don't have slides. No. Thank you.
[01:07:22] [Speaker 7]: So we are we are, currently litigating,
[01:07:26] [Speaker 7]: we're still litigating vaccine mandates. We sued, 5 universities in Ohio, but we're also suing the University of California System for mandating it for its 220,000
[01:07:36] [Speaker 7]: employees. It may be one of the largest cases in the country. California's constitution is special and that you have a right to autonomy in medical decisions, which they completely violated. They have a long history in California of eugenics.
[01:07:49] [Speaker 7]: If you read the history,
[01:07:50] [Speaker 7]: they actually sterilized women, particularly Hispanic women,
[01:07:54] [Speaker 7]: in in the past, and we think this is a eugenics program and a continuation of this program by another name.
[01:08:00] [Speaker 7]: Along with,
[01:08:01] [Speaker 7]: an Ohio activist named Catherine Huig, we formed a group now called Freedom Counsel. We had all these cases, we could barely handle it, barely keep up, and I saw other attorneys doing it. So we've now joined with 260 other attorneys, and we're sharing our knowledge
[01:08:16] [Speaker 7]: and all aspects of what's going on with the litigation all over the country.
[01:08:21] [Speaker 7]: The press really hasn't covered what's happening in litigation, and I have some good news for you. We've made some incredible strides, and we've had some great rulings, especially on the employment law side, and and we're working with them on the adulteration
[01:08:34] [Speaker 7]: side.
[01:08:36] [Speaker 7]: The,
[01:08:38] [Speaker 7]: the number of cases filed against our federal government
[01:08:43] [Speaker 7]: is now at about 40,000
[01:08:45] [Speaker 7]: cases against the government.
[01:08:47] [Speaker 7]: This is a tsunami of lawsuits over our civil rights and over federal overreach.
[01:08:53] [Speaker 7]: I don't think all of those are COVID cases,
[01:08:56] [Speaker 7]: but between state and federal course
[01:08:58] [Speaker 7]: state and federal courts,
[01:09:00] [Speaker 7]: we estimate there's an excess of 20,000
[01:09:04] [Speaker 7]: cases specific to COVID.
[01:09:07] [Speaker 7]: These are huge increases,
[01:09:09] [Speaker 7]: huge burden on the court system, which nobody's reporting about at all.
[01:09:14] [Speaker 7]: And I I just on the employment side, by the way, there have been 12 appellate victories, including LA,
[01:09:20] [Speaker 7]: Unified School District
[01:09:22] [Speaker 7]: since May
[01:09:23] [Speaker 7]: since May. And that case was particularly important because it said, you know, you lawyers, you get to go to court and tell us why these aren't vaccines, and if they're not vaccines, there can't be mandates.
[01:09:34] [Speaker 7]: So
[01:09:35] [Speaker 7]: we're currently engaged, and that's what I think I'm specifically here to talk about.
[01:09:40] [Speaker 7]: We're currently engaged in some of these hospital protocol cases.
[01:09:43] [Speaker 7]: There's the Karen Michelonis case in Ohio, the Scott Sharra case in Wisconsin, and some others around the country,
[01:09:49] [Speaker 7]: and and we reviewed a lot of these. And I'm not the only one doing this. Other members of Freedom Counsel are doing it. The traditional attorneys
[01:09:57] [Speaker 7]: who do medical malpractice
[01:09:59] [Speaker 7]: have shied away from these cases. So we have nontraditionally
[01:10:03] [Speaker 7]: malpractice attorneys
[01:10:04] [Speaker 7]: doing these cases and trying to figure this out. But I wanna tell you what we see that are commonalities
[01:10:10] [Speaker 7]: across all the cases.
[01:10:13] [Speaker 7]: There's vaccine discrimination right off the bat. You come in the hospital, you say you're not vaccinated, they mark it on your chart and they treat you differently. You literally get a different protocol.
[01:10:23] [Speaker 7]: Then they isolate you.
[01:10:25] [Speaker 7]: They isolate you from your family, your priest, your pastor,
[01:10:29] [Speaker 7]: from any contact human contact, and we all should know how important that is to healing just to have somebody by your side.
[01:10:35] [Speaker 7]: Then as your family is isolated at home, they refuse to communicate with the family and update them and tell them what's happening and get permissions.
[01:10:44] [Speaker 7]: And then and this just gets worse, folk folks, and I can't even cover all the things we've seen. Then they dehydrate you and starve you. You're denied food, water, and nutrition, and you're actually given your diuretics and laxatives, so you're not bothering them to go to the bathroom.
[01:10:58] [Speaker 7]: And in fact, sometimes they'll put a catheter in India, so you really don't bother.
[01:11:04] [Speaker 7]: Then the next thing that happens is oxygen supplementation,
[01:11:07] [Speaker 7]: and many of you now know that that causes lung damage.
[01:11:11] [Speaker 7]: And the victim and family are told it's to give the lungs a rest. No. Your lungs need to be working. If you're if you're at 85, 90%,
[01:11:19] [Speaker 7]: oxygen, you you should not be having supplements.
[01:11:23] [Speaker 7]: And then what happens,
[01:11:25] [Speaker 7]: next is you're put on a ventilator.
[01:11:27] [Speaker 7]: Early on in the spring of 2020, I heard from nurses out of, Cleveland
[01:11:32] [Speaker 7]: that they were putting, and they were upset. These nurses came to me because they were whistleblowers and they were upset. They said, we're ventilating them to protect the staff.
[01:11:40] [Speaker 7]: That's what they said. We're not ventilating because they need a ventilator.
[01:11:45] [Speaker 7]: A study in Texas,
[01:11:46] [Speaker 7]: your neighbor,
[01:11:47] [Speaker 7]: showed that there was an 85%
[01:11:50] [Speaker 7]: death rate if you were ventilated over 96 hours.
[01:11:54] [Speaker 7]: I want to I want you to just note on that. I've got some other things to cover, but note the 96 hours. I'm gonna come back to that in a minute.
[01:12:02] [Speaker 7]: Alternative treatments were denied. People came in with prescriptions for ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine,
[01:12:08] [Speaker 7]: budesonide, and they wanted to bring vitamins in. All of that was stripped away from the patients.
[01:12:13] [Speaker 7]: False statements were made that these medications were not FDA approved.
[01:12:18] [Speaker 7]: In fact, they were FDA approved, and you're allowed to to, prescribe off label.
[01:12:23] [Speaker 7]: They also said they didn't work, which is absolutely not true. Very early on in in, the spring of 2020,
[01:12:30] [Speaker 7]: Henry Ford Hospital did a study. It's it was immediately suppressed that showed how effective hydroxychloroquine
[01:12:36] [Speaker 7]: was.
[01:12:37] [Speaker 7]: So the other thing that we saw we saw, which is a real interference, is the pharmacies and the administration. Even if you had a doctor in the hospital, I mean, somebody who works for the hospital who prescribed Ivermectin,
[01:12:50] [Speaker 7]: the pharmacy would block it. The administration would block it. We have a number of cases. They're getting sued right now, where we saw the patient get the ivermectin and improve greatly, and then the pharmacy blocked it. What do you think happened? They crashed. Then it gets approved again, and then they crash again, and in in fact died. The 2 the couple of cases now they they have died and and we're proceeding on those.
[01:13:13] [Speaker 7]: The only option was,
[01:13:15] [Speaker 7]: the protocols.
[01:13:17] [Speaker 7]: And in the 96 hours now remember the protocols.
[01:13:20] [Speaker 7]: The protocols were for I could just do a couple of them. Remdesivir,
[01:13:24] [Speaker 7]: baricitinib,
[01:13:25] [Speaker 7]: dexamethasone,
[01:13:26] [Speaker 7]: heparan,
[01:13:27] [Speaker 7]: heparan. They were often forced on victims when they were used. And we had patients coming in saying, I don't want these drugs. I don't wanna be ventilated. I don't want this. I don't want that. And their family members
[01:13:38] [Speaker 7]: were saying the same thing, and yet they got, these deadly, drugs anyway.
[01:13:43] [Speaker 7]: They were clearly denied informed consent. We heard how dangerous the remdesivir is. Overall, we surveyed all the hospital systems in the United States. You had a 35%
[01:13:53] [Speaker 7]: chance of dying in general.
[01:13:55] [Speaker 7]: Some hospitals were worse. It went up to 75%.
[01:13:59] [Speaker 7]: 1 I won't name the hospital.
[01:14:01] [Speaker 7]: They'll probably sue me for defamation, but their death rate was 75% if you got remdesivir.
[01:14:07] [Speaker 7]: Infections and injuries were are horrific.
[01:14:10] [Speaker 7]: You guys have all seen that, pressure shores, skin sores, skin tears, necrosis.
[01:14:14] [Speaker 7]: What I saw in two cases
[01:14:16] [Speaker 7]: were bones and toes or your toe bones and your finger bones
[01:14:20] [Speaker 7]: emerging from the hand because the hand and the feet had blackened.
[01:14:24] [Speaker 7]: So I see pictures of the bones of the patient.
[01:14:29] [Speaker 7]: That's how bad this got.
[01:14:31] [Speaker 7]: Restrain abuse, obviously, when you're that kind of pain and and all this is going on, they use physical restraints. They failed to follow requirements on that. Ventilation itself is a restraint, and they use that as a matter of control. The families were as often called. Scott Schara has testified about this. They call you in the middle of the night. We got an emergency. We gotta put them on event. We gotta put them on remdesivir. I see people shaking their heads yes.
[01:14:54] [Speaker 7]: And and so you are woke awoken in the middle of the night with all this emergency, and you're worried your loved one's gonna die if you if you can't,
[01:15:01] [Speaker 7]: if you don't agree to those protocols.
[01:15:04] [Speaker 7]: People did begin to wake up to the process and tried to get their loved ones transferred.
[01:15:10] [Speaker 7]: They refused to transfer them. I will say that, at least in, in, you you guys have an article. Article 2 section 37
[01:15:18] [Speaker 7]: in the Oklahoma constitution that says no one has to participate in a medical system. So I think that helped a little bit in Oklahoma. You have a constitutional protection to transfer.
[01:15:29] [Speaker 7]: And finally,
[01:15:30] [Speaker 7]: the patient's dying now after all this great, care, and they pressured families and patients to sign DNRs,
[01:15:38] [Speaker 7]: and they also falsified DNRs. Again, Scott Sharris talked very eloquently with his daughter, Grace, who's a down had had down syndrome and happened to her. He was one of the ones who was thrown out, by the police as well for trying to take care of his daughter. And finally,
[01:15:54] [Speaker 7]: they there's pressure for so called palliative care or comfort care, they call it. I hate to say if somebody hears comfort care, alright, sure. Keep my loved one comfortable. Well, it's not comfort care, it's killing care.
[01:16:07] [Speaker 7]: And there's no palliative care meeting to really, describe what this is. It's ordered without consent. They give them Fentanyl. We've all heard of that.
[01:16:17] [Speaker 7]: Precedex, morphine, lorazepam,
[01:16:19] [Speaker 7]: Ativan, and many of many others.
[01:16:22] [Speaker 7]: Unfortunately, I've seen a video where, you know, the spouse is watching her husband in the hospital. As he's sitting there talking to her in the bed, they start to hit him with morphine, and he passes out and he's dead 2 hours later.
[01:16:35] [Speaker 7]: Where we found some success for the attorneys in the room is they often, brought they brought everybody in, classified everybody as COVID whether they had it or not. Now we have found cases, where there's community acquired pneumonia, heart disease, other illnesses
[01:16:49] [Speaker 7]: that actually was gonna kill the patient that went untreated.
[01:16:53] [Speaker 7]: I have one gentleman who came in and the cardiologist
[01:16:56] [Speaker 7]: said, get him to a scan. He's got a heart issue.
[01:17:00] [Speaker 7]: Scan him now. 40 days later, he was dead from an over enlarged heart after having gone through all these treatments, young man, 40 years old.
[01:17:09] [Speaker 7]: So anyway,
[01:17:11] [Speaker 7]: why did this happen? There's a great study. I I I've got to refer to AJ Priest. Some of you may know of her, Tennessee Liberty Network, and I have this here, which I can leave for the committee or send you a link.
[01:17:22] [Speaker 7]: And I'm just gonna simplify,
[01:17:24] [Speaker 7]: some of the incentives that were there.
[01:17:27] [Speaker 7]: And the incentives varied depending on, equity principles, by the way. So there was a 20% bonus for an inpatient with a positive COVID test.
[01:17:37] [Speaker 7]: There was a 20 percent bonus if the hospital used drugs and ventilators that I mentioned.
[01:17:42] [Speaker 7]: A normal COVID situation would be about $9,000,
[01:17:47] [Speaker 7]: payment. If they were ventilated for 96 hours,
[01:17:53] [Speaker 7]: they got $40,000.
[01:17:56] [Speaker 7]: And you know how many people died? Like I said, in Texas, remember,
[01:17:59] [Speaker 7]: 85% of the people who had ventilation for 96
[01:18:03] [Speaker 7]: hours died in the Texas study.
[01:18:06] [Speaker 7]: Remdesivir,
[01:18:07] [Speaker 7]: of course, was used at $3,000
[01:18:10] [Speaker 7]: relative
[01:18:11] [Speaker 7]: roughly per treatment.
[01:18:13] [Speaker 7]: The stuff is very deadly, but it really only cost $9 to make. But think about it. When you have that higher bill, then add 20%.
[01:18:21] [Speaker 7]: That's why that's why things aren't working. It's
[01:18:25] [Speaker 7]: $3,000 at 20%. They made an they made 100 of dollars for every remdesivir treatment as well.
[01:18:31] [Speaker 7]: Provider payments per patient were frequently 100 of 1,000 of dollars.
[01:18:36] [Speaker 7]: In states that had equity considerations
[01:18:39] [Speaker 7]: like West Virginia, it reached almost half a $1,000,000 per patient. The Cleveland Clinic close to me in Ohio
[01:18:46] [Speaker 7]: had a $2,200,000,000
[01:18:48] [Speaker 7]: net gain in revenue in 2021.
[01:18:50] [Speaker 7]: Their gross revenue, for example, in 2016 was $8,000,000,000.
[01:18:55] [Speaker 7]: In 2023, they are now up to $14,500,000,000.
[01:19:00] [Speaker 7]: So COVID CMS also has something called a new COVID treatments add on payment. I love this one.
[01:19:07] [Speaker 7]: The stated goal was to quote,
[01:19:10] [Speaker 7]: mitigate
[01:19:11] [Speaker 7]: the financial
[01:19:12] [Speaker 7]: disincentives
[01:19:13] [Speaker 7]: for hospitals
[01:19:15] [Speaker 7]: to provide
[01:19:16] [Speaker 7]: new COVID treatments.
[01:19:20] [Speaker 7]: The add on payment.
[01:19:22] [Speaker 7]: They wanted them to use remdesivir
[01:19:24] [Speaker 7]: and the other drugs.
[01:19:25] [Speaker 7]: This clearly incentivized them not to use ivermectin and ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
[01:19:30] [Speaker 7]: And remember, the more you bill, the more the incentive payment is too. Don't forget how this works.
[01:19:36] [Speaker 7]: So what has this meant for families? I you know, what I see is, first of all, grief,
[01:19:41] [Speaker 7]: from all the families,
[01:19:43] [Speaker 7]: that I've talked to.
[01:19:46] [Speaker 7]: There's guilt
[01:19:47] [Speaker 7]: because a a wife or a husband took their loved one to the hospital, and they trusted the hospital. And
[01:19:54] [Speaker 7]: fundamentally,
[01:19:55] [Speaker 7]: there's a real sense of betrayal. Doctors have been revered in this country. They're seen as the good guys and they're trusted.
[01:20:03] [Speaker 7]: And by the way, there's good guys here today,
[01:20:07] [Speaker 7]: but guess what?
[01:20:08] [Speaker 7]: We're having problems getting them able to testify in court,
[01:20:12] [Speaker 7]: which maybe the legislature can do something about because they've been stripped of board certifications
[01:20:17] [Speaker 7]: and sometimes licenses.
[01:20:19] [Speaker 7]: So we need to eliminate the need and the malpractice statutes to have a board certification or license. You go into court, talk about your experience, and you get qualified or not. We know how to do that without board certification or licenses. That's a trap for us,
[01:20:32] [Speaker 7]: and it's costing,
[01:20:34] [Speaker 7]: the the patients,
[01:20:35] [Speaker 7]: and the families,
[01:20:37] [Speaker 7]: their experts in these lawsuits.
[01:20:40] [Speaker 7]: Doctors have become mere technicians for the most part now, and we've certainly purged our systems. They follow guidance from administrators whose in whose interest is what? Maximize revenue.
[01:20:52] [Speaker 7]: Get your hospital from 8,000,000,000 to 14,000,000,000.
[01:20:55] [Speaker 7]: Oklahoma has some really interesting law. In fact, you guys actually have some pretty good informed consent case law,
[01:21:02] [Speaker 7]: the Scott case and the Allen case. You are supposed to, under your civil law,
[01:21:08] [Speaker 7]: inform the patients of the risk of treatment, whether it's invasive or noninvasive,
[01:21:12] [Speaker 7]: and alternatives.
[01:21:14] [Speaker 7]: You have a section called article 2 section 6 that that says every wrong, every injury should be compensable.
[01:21:21] [Speaker 7]: So the Prep Act technically violates your constitution. Your congresspeople ought to be raised in hell in Washington
[01:21:27] [Speaker 7]: about the violation of your constitutional rights here in Oklahoma.
[01:21:31] [Speaker 7]: Some other things that I think can happen out here,
[01:21:34] [Speaker 7]: allow patients to let their private doctors follow them into the hospital regardless of whether they have privileges.
[01:21:41] [Speaker 7]: Protect,
[01:21:42] [Speaker 7]: physicians' right to speak and advise patients. Ironically, your constitution actually says something about that too. You got a good constitution. I read it this morning.
[01:21:51] [Speaker 7]: Article 2 section 22. Everyone in Oklahoma has the right to speak on all subjects.
[01:21:57] [Speaker 7]: Let's make sure that
[01:21:59] [Speaker 7]: no employer can take disciplinary action against any employee
[01:22:04] [Speaker 7]: or any doctor,
[01:22:05] [Speaker 7]: for using their right to speak, create civil penalties against hospitals that violate physicians right to speak.
[01:22:14] [Speaker 7]: I already went over my idea on malpractice eliminating those statutory requirements.
[01:22:19] [Speaker 7]: You know, should should Pierre Kory be allowed to testify?
[01:22:22] [Speaker 7]: Should Mary, Talley Bowden, be allowed to testify? Should Paul Merrick be allowed to testify?
[01:22:29] [Speaker 7]: Seriously.
[01:22:31] [Speaker 7]: Now the other problem, we've had this problem with the lawyers,
[01:22:35] [Speaker 7]: getting up to speed and figuring out what went on. So I think we do need to extend the statute of limitations.
[01:22:41] [Speaker 7]: Many states have done this when children were abused,
[01:22:44] [Speaker 7]: by the Catholic church, by the boy scouts, extend those statutes of limitations.
[01:22:48] [Speaker 7]: So we need to do that for this. This is medical abuse,
[01:22:51] [Speaker 7]: and we need to make sure that, we can go in and still sue. Maybe it's just over informed consent,
[01:22:57] [Speaker 7]: but they violated the informed consent.
[01:23:00] [Speaker 7]: The the state legislature as well under the constitution. I'm liking your constitution. See?
[01:23:05] [Speaker 7]: Article 2, section 28,
[01:23:07] [Speaker 7]: all corporate records are subject to quote unquote
[01:23:11] [Speaker 7]: the full inquisitorial
[01:23:13] [Speaker 7]: power of the state of Oklahoma.
[01:23:16] [Speaker 7]: Get their documents.
[01:23:19] [Speaker 7]: You will find fraud. You will find emails that show incredible,
[01:23:24] [Speaker 7]: behavioral problems in our hospitals, but get the corporate records.
[01:23:28] [Speaker 7]: Force them to come up with them. Force Pfizer and Moderna
[01:23:33] [Speaker 7]: to come up with their records and present them to you.
[01:23:38] [Speaker 7]: The other thing that Oklahoma has, and I I know, Rachel is gonna talk a little bit on on some of the criminal issues, but Oklahoma has a very special provision there that I urge you citizens to use.
[01:23:49] [Speaker 7]: Article 2 section 18.
[01:23:52] [Speaker 7]: Not every state has this. It's ceding a grand jury by petition.
[01:23:58] [Speaker 7]: Look. They're not immune to criminal charges by a state or by the citizens.
[01:24:03] [Speaker 7]: They may not have civil liability,
[01:24:05] [Speaker 7]: but let's go get them.
[01:24:10] [Speaker 7]: So
[01:24:10] [Speaker 7]: finally, I wanna talk you know, I've talked about the licensing. We have got to protect our,
[01:24:15] [Speaker 7]: health care employees,
[01:24:19] [Speaker 7]: and and we have to protect them from interventions with this dangerous shot. All employees, not just health care, but health care are really on the front line. They're the boiling frogs in the pot, and we've had so many health care people injured from the shots, I can't even tell you. Nurses out of commission, doctors out of commission. They're just cooked from taking these shots.
[01:24:41] [Speaker 7]: So we need to make it illegal and also provide a civil cause of action
[01:24:46] [Speaker 7]: if any employer mandates any medical intervention.
[01:24:50] [Speaker 7]: Make sure that those employers are liable for any injuries, medical costs, and lost income if something has happened in the past.
[01:24:58] [Speaker 7]: So these are things that I think we can do. I boy, I sure appreciate,
[01:25:03] [Speaker 7]: your willingness to have me down here to share,
[01:25:07] [Speaker 7]: some of these experiences.
[01:25:10] [Representative Humphrey]: Thank you very much.
[01:25:17] [Representative Humphrey]: And,
[01:25:18] [Representative Humphrey]: due to time issue, we're gonna skip to you,
[01:25:21] [Representative Humphrey]: Rachel, and, just let you kind of,
[01:25:24] [Representative Humphrey]: summarize
[01:25:26] [Representative Humphrey]: on your end what's going on.
[01:25:28] [Representative Humphrey]: And,
[01:25:30] [Representative Humphrey]: doctor doctor Martin,
[01:25:32] [Representative Humphrey]: when she finishes, if you have a comment to kinda wrap up since we we skipped you, if you just got something you wanna say real quick. So go ahead, Rachel.
[01:25:42] [Speaker 8]: Great. Thank you so much. And I think you have my slides. Honestly, I don't have to put them up, but if you want to run those slides, that's just for people to follow along.
[01:25:51] [Speaker 8]: I'm I again, I'm Rachel Rodriguez.
[01:25:54] [Speaker 8]: I operate a firm in South Florida, Verus Law Group,
[01:25:58] [Speaker 8]: and,
[01:25:59] [Speaker 8]: I work as a colleague with Warner and the other couple of 100 attorneys that he mentioned.
[01:26:04] [Speaker 8]: We are furiously
[01:26:06] [Speaker 8]: trying to,
[01:26:08] [Speaker 8]: plug up the all the holes in the dam, of of freedom and stop tyranny,
[01:26:13] [Speaker 8]: but we're you know, I I'm very grateful for this opportunity to be here to speak with you today because,
[01:26:19] [Speaker 8]: there there are many things that the legislators can do.
[01:26:24] [Speaker 8]: And,
[01:26:24] [Speaker 8]: Warner talked about a few of them, so I wanna piggyback on that and talk about 3 things that I wanna ask,
[01:26:31] [Speaker 8]: those of you who are legislators in the state of Oklahoma to consider,
[01:26:36] [Speaker 8]: in light of everything you've heard today. And I I sympathize. I can imagine
[01:26:41] [Speaker 8]: that you're feeling like you have just drunk out of a, fire hydrant for the last 2 hours, and
[01:26:48] [Speaker 8]: that's true. There is a lot of information here, and it's all pretty horrific.
[01:26:53] [Speaker 8]: When you actually dig into the stories of the victims,
[01:26:56] [Speaker 8]: it's it's,
[01:26:58] [Speaker 8]: it takes a lot of energy not to shut down because you
[01:27:03] [Speaker 8]: the the implications of what we're talking about
[01:27:06] [Speaker 8]: is eugenics.
[01:27:08] [Speaker 8]: It is,
[01:27:10] [Speaker 8]: intentional
[01:27:11] [Speaker 8]: harm
[01:27:12] [Speaker 8]: and mass killing
[01:27:14] [Speaker 8]: of American citizens and of Oklahomans.
[01:27:17] [Speaker 8]: And
[01:27:18] [Speaker 8]: this is this is as horrible and as evil as it sounds,
[01:27:22] [Speaker 8]: but this is what the evidence provides. And so you've you've had an encapsulation. There's a lot more to talk about, but you've heard a lot of that today. So I wanted to talk about 3 things that we wanna ask you,
[01:27:34] [Speaker 8]: well, as as a lawyer, I would ask the legislature to consider.
[01:27:37] [Speaker 8]: In Oklahoma and the and the first thing is
[01:27:40] [Speaker 8]: to to open an investigation
[01:27:43] [Speaker 8]: and or to request or to to refer an investigation to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
[01:27:50] [Speaker 8]: So there's 2 pieces to this.
[01:27:54] [Speaker 8]: Within your laws, you the the chairman of a an investigative committee of the legislature
[01:27:59] [Speaker 8]: can refer criminal,
[01:28:01] [Speaker 8]: investigation,
[01:28:03] [Speaker 8]: with suggested charges and all the allegations
[01:28:06] [Speaker 8]: in a writing to the,
[01:28:08] [Speaker 8]: OSBI.
[01:28:10] [Speaker 8]: And, I presented there that, actually, there there's a couple of, revisions I would like to to probably present. But, I presented there, and I believe it's there for you to look at a brief
[01:28:21] [Speaker 8]: that,
[01:28:22] [Speaker 8]: encapsulates
[01:28:23] [Speaker 8]: much of what you've heard today, not everything. And it also includes additional evidence,
[01:28:29] [Speaker 8]: regarding the intentionality
[01:28:31] [Speaker 8]: of these acts, and this is criminal. We're looking at
[01:28:34] [Speaker 8]: Oklahoma code criminal code with regard to how,
[01:28:39] [Speaker 8]: your attorney general, how your OSBI,
[01:28:42] [Speaker 8]: your district attorneys
[01:28:44] [Speaker 8]: in their jurisdiction
[01:28:45] [Speaker 8]: can address,
[01:28:47] [Speaker 8]: violations of law, criminal violations
[01:28:51] [Speaker 8]: by federal actors and also by hospital administrators,
[01:28:55] [Speaker 8]: and and whoever else, comes out in the investigation as culpable,
[01:28:59] [Speaker 8]: you have the opportunity
[01:29:01] [Speaker 8]: and the jurisdiction
[01:29:02] [Speaker 8]: to prosecute them.
[01:29:04] [Speaker 8]: And,
[01:29:07] [Speaker 8]: so I don't wanna go over all of the evidence again. That's on another slide that's here. What I wanna do is is talk a little bit about what, what I've seen as code violations, and there's plenty more. But I believe that under Oklahoma law, everything you've heard and and
[01:29:22] [Speaker 8]: what will additional evidence that will come out,
[01:29:25] [Speaker 8]: support charges
[01:29:26] [Speaker 8]: against
[01:29:27] [Speaker 8]: federal,
[01:29:30] [Speaker 8]: federal agents and directors. I'm gonna go over who those are,
[01:29:34] [Speaker 8]: and hospitals and administrators who were taking money
[01:29:37] [Speaker 8]: to engage in these acts. These are the charges, I think, that are supportive. 1st and second degree degree murder,
[01:29:44] [Speaker 8]: solicitation for murder,
[01:29:46] [Speaker 8]: terrorism,
[01:29:47] [Speaker 8]: and biochemical
[01:29:48] [Speaker 8]: terrorism,
[01:29:50] [Speaker 8]: engaging in a pattern of racketeering activity. I apologize that's not on the slide. Essentially, your anti Rico, your state anti Rico,
[01:29:57] [Speaker 8]: statute, engaging and conspire or conspiring to engage in a pattern of criminal offenses,
[01:30:02] [Speaker 8]: kidnapping,
[01:30:04] [Speaker 8]: battery or aggravated battery.
[01:30:07] [Speaker 8]: And this is within sort of a context of your criminal statutes regarding
[01:30:13] [Speaker 8]: prohibition on caretakers, which anybody in a hospital who who takes on the the obligation to care for patients,
[01:30:21] [Speaker 8]: would be subject to this.
[01:30:23] [Speaker 8]: And the prohibition against abuse, financial neglect, neglect, sexual abuse, exploitation,
[01:30:29] [Speaker 8]: verbal abuse,
[01:30:31] [Speaker 8]: and, of course, there's compounding
[01:30:34] [Speaker 8]: aspects when
[01:30:35] [Speaker 8]: those adults are considered vulnerable or elderly.
[01:30:39] [Speaker 8]: The individuals that in our brief we are requesting
[01:30:44] [Speaker 8]: law enforcement to review, and here I would ask and I'll go into this a little bit,
[01:30:50] [Speaker 8]: interviewing or I should say, cross examining
[01:30:53] [Speaker 8]: as a legislature,
[01:30:55] [Speaker 8]: the following individuals. You've heard some of them today.
[01:30:59] [Speaker 8]: Anthony Fauci, Cliff Lane, Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky,
[01:31:04] [Speaker 8]: Steven Hahn,
[01:31:06] [Speaker 8]: Robert Redfield, Peter Daszak, Ralph Ferrick, Rick Bright, and, of course, the hospitals that were colluding and conspiring with these individuals with regard to federal,
[01:31:17] [Speaker 8]: countermeasures
[01:31:18] [Speaker 8]: and protocols
[01:31:19] [Speaker 8]: that were being forced on the American public and on Oklahomans.
[01:31:29] [Speaker 8]: This brief that I've presented there has also been, or will be presented to the attorney general who also has, as I said, jurisdiction to investigate these crimes and prosecute, and we hope that happens.
[01:31:40] [Speaker 8]: If it happens in one state,
[01:31:43] [Speaker 8]: this becomes a domino effect in every state.
[01:31:47] [Speaker 8]: One of the reasons that my firm has gone after this angle of the criminal law
[01:31:52] [Speaker 8]: is, particularly in Florida,
[01:31:54] [Speaker 8]: our state laws actually provided additional protections, and speaking as Warner did of the statute of limitations,
[01:32:01] [Speaker 8]: decreased the statute of limitations for bringing a medical malpractice or wrongful death, case as related to COVID down to 1 year from the date of death,
[01:32:11] [Speaker 8]: versus the 2 year general statute of limitations
[01:32:13] [Speaker 8]: and also had additional liability protections for
[01:32:17] [Speaker 8]: medical care providers. And so,
[01:32:19] [Speaker 8]: early on, it seemed fairly clear that Florida would not be a good environment,
[01:32:24] [Speaker 8]: a good venue for bringing civil cases of the kind that Warner's firm has and other attorneys.
[01:32:31] [Speaker 8]: So I started looking into the criminal context. We have actually,
[01:32:35] [Speaker 8]: filed briefs of this nature tailored to the state criminal code in another 3 states, Florida,
[01:32:42] [Speaker 8]: Texas, and Louisiana, and now Oklahoma is the 4th. So we strongly urge,
[01:32:49] [Speaker 8]: you all as legislators, we will urge your attorney general
[01:32:53] [Speaker 8]: to open an investigation into what happened. You've heard the facts today.
[01:32:59] [Speaker 8]: Charges need to be filed. Prosecution needs to move forward. And when it does,
[01:33:03] [Speaker 8]: it's going to have a very
[01:33:05] [Speaker 8]: widespread effect in the country.
[01:33:07] [Speaker 8]: The second,
[01:33:09] [Speaker 8]: request we have is, and I touched upon this, is the plenary power
[01:33:14] [Speaker 8]: of the legislature
[01:33:16] [Speaker 8]: to obtain records and testimony
[01:33:18] [Speaker 8]: on anything
[01:33:20] [Speaker 8]: of public importance to Oklahoma constituents.
[01:33:23] [Speaker 8]: You can go ahead and move the slides forward a little bit.
[01:33:27] [Speaker 8]: I've already gone through the COVID criminal enterprise
[01:33:30] [Speaker 8]: facts. This is just a summary here. It's in the brief and you've heard all of that today. So go ahead and advance.
[01:33:36] [Speaker 8]: So
[01:33:37] [Speaker 8]: some of the records that I want to
[01:33:41] [Speaker 8]: highlight for you.
[01:33:42] [Speaker 8]: First of all, I've already discussed who we've identified
[01:33:45] [Speaker 8]: as suspects or the accused, as I call them.
[01:33:49] [Speaker 8]: These are federal,
[01:33:50] [Speaker 8]: agents,
[01:33:51] [Speaker 8]: directors and ex directors of these
[01:33:54] [Speaker 8]: these executive committees
[01:33:56] [Speaker 8]: excuse me, executive agencies at the federal level who were
[01:34:00] [Speaker 8]: who were incentivizing,
[01:34:04] [Speaker 8]: coercing, threatening,
[01:34:06] [Speaker 8]: everything that you've heard today.
[01:34:08] [Speaker 8]: These individuals are responsible and I've given you that list,
[01:34:12] [Speaker 8]: down to those in the hospitals at the state level.
[01:34:16] [Speaker 8]: So one way to look at
[01:34:19] [Speaker 8]: the crimes of the
[01:34:21] [Speaker 8]: COVID criminal enterprise,
[01:34:24] [Speaker 8]: again, our brief is addressing more the hospital homicide that Warner was talking about that you've also heard today,
[01:34:31] [Speaker 8]: the maiming and,
[01:34:33] [Speaker 8]: disabling
[01:34:34] [Speaker 8]: and,
[01:34:35] [Speaker 8]: killing through the COVID shots.
[01:34:38] [Speaker 8]: The kind of,
[01:34:39] [Speaker 8]: the kind of documents that are going to conclusively
[01:34:43] [Speaker 8]: demonstrate
[01:34:44] [Speaker 8]: the
[01:34:45] [Speaker 8]: destruction
[01:34:46] [Speaker 8]: of these shots and of hospital,
[01:34:50] [Speaker 8]: countermeasures or COVID protocols
[01:34:52] [Speaker 8]: are going to include a a request from your state's vital records division.
[01:34:59] [Speaker 8]: Let's take perhaps from 2015
[01:35:02] [Speaker 8]: up to 2022,
[01:35:04] [Speaker 8]: or further.
[01:35:05] [Speaker 8]: And those records need to have the cause of death, the age of the decedent, the the date of the death.
[01:35:12] [Speaker 8]: You want to make sure that records indicate fetal demise.
[01:35:16] [Speaker 8]: This was this was a
[01:35:18] [Speaker 8]: a
[01:35:19] [Speaker 8]: a this was a a biochemical,
[01:35:22] [Speaker 8]: warfare on children and on, pregnant women.
[01:35:27] [Speaker 8]: You've heard about that today but that is a subcategory
[01:35:31] [Speaker 8]: of
[01:35:32] [Speaker 8]: deaths and statistics that are going to be very, very important as you're investigating this.
[01:35:39] [Speaker 8]: Inoculation records from your state's immunization information system,
[01:35:44] [Speaker 8]: specifically
[01:35:45] [Speaker 8]: all mRNA vaccination of Oklahoma residents from at least 2020 forward.
[01:35:51] [Speaker 8]: There are some indication
[01:35:52] [Speaker 8]: mRNA technology has been around previously but I think this is the general public rollout and I will stand corrected of the other experts that are here today with regard to that.
[01:36:03] [Speaker 8]: Additionally, you can demand
[01:36:05] [Speaker 8]: from theirs
[01:36:07] [Speaker 8]: current data,
[01:36:09] [Speaker 8]: on reporting records related to Oklahoma citizens and incidents that occurred in Oklahoma facilities that are mandatory reporters.
[01:36:16] [Speaker 8]: So whether or not they're Oklahoma residents,
[01:36:19] [Speaker 8]: demand the records from VAERS,
[01:36:22] [Speaker 8]: regarding vaccine
[01:36:23] [Speaker 8]: adverse events.
[01:36:25] [Speaker 8]: Of course, these reports, as you many of you probably know,
[01:36:29] [Speaker 8]: these reports are not,
[01:36:31] [Speaker 8]: all inclusive but it's going to provide
[01:36:34] [Speaker 8]: another side of the data that needs to be collected together with the death records,
[01:36:40] [Speaker 8]: to demonstrate
[01:36:42] [Speaker 8]: how
[01:36:43] [Speaker 8]: how dangerous and how,
[01:36:46] [Speaker 8]: how intentional
[01:36:47] [Speaker 8]: the, crimes to the enterprise,
[01:36:50] [Speaker 8]: have been.
[01:36:52] [Speaker 8]: Additionally,
[01:36:53] [Speaker 8]: and this is not on your slide, but Medicare cost reports
[01:36:56] [Speaker 8]: for Oklahoma hospital revenue.
[01:36:59] [Speaker 8]: And I would recommend,
[01:37:00] [Speaker 8]: revenue that's received
[01:37:02] [Speaker 8]: between
[01:37:03] [Speaker 8]: at minimum 2020 to 2022.
[01:37:06] [Speaker 8]: I think that period is going to be very critical to see what Warner was talking about with regard to the incentives
[01:37:12] [Speaker 8]: paid
[01:37:13] [Speaker 8]: in order for people to engage in criminal activities
[01:37:17] [Speaker 8]: of disabling,
[01:37:18] [Speaker 8]: maiming, and murdering
[01:37:20] [Speaker 8]: Oklahoma victims.
[01:37:25] [Speaker 8]: The other thing that will be that will come out from looking at all of these records that the legislature can pull,
[01:37:32] [Speaker 8]: is seeing trends
[01:37:34] [Speaker 8]: of when deaths were peaking,
[01:37:38] [Speaker 8]: trends with regard to causes of death. Another thing,
[01:37:42] [Speaker 8]: is
[01:37:43] [Speaker 8]: how,
[01:37:44] [Speaker 8]: whether or not COVID was the actual cause of death,
[01:37:48] [Speaker 8]: demonstrating with regard to vax,
[01:37:51] [Speaker 8]: you know, COVID vaccine, COVID,
[01:37:53] [Speaker 8]: shot,
[01:37:55] [Speaker 8]: deaths,
[01:37:56] [Speaker 8]: what were the adverse events leading to death. These are fundamental questions that are going to be needed. And this is not only for criminal cases, this is also records that are going to assist
[01:38:07] [Speaker 8]: Oklahomans
[01:38:09] [Speaker 8]: in any civil cases that can be brought
[01:38:12] [Speaker 8]: once we can get across
[01:38:14] [Speaker 8]: some of these litigation barriers that Warner touched upon.
[01:38:18] [Speaker 8]: And, of course, the other thing is,
[01:38:20] [Speaker 8]: recognition
[01:38:21] [Speaker 8]: from these records of exactly what the value
[01:38:24] [Speaker 8]: of this criminal conduct was for those engaged in the enterprise. Warner touched upon that by showing just how
[01:38:32] [Speaker 8]: huge the profit margin was for many of these,
[01:38:36] [Speaker 8]: manufacturers
[01:38:37] [Speaker 8]: involved. But there's also an important review
[01:38:40] [Speaker 8]: of
[01:38:41] [Speaker 8]: the individuals who were promoting
[01:38:44] [Speaker 8]: these protocols,
[01:38:45] [Speaker 8]: death protocols,
[01:38:47] [Speaker 8]: and the vaccines,
[01:38:49] [Speaker 8]: how much they were individually obtaining kickbacks
[01:38:52] [Speaker 8]: and, other personal financial incentives all the way down to the hospitals, hospital administrators receiving incentives,
[01:39:00] [Speaker 8]: and any bonus,
[01:39:01] [Speaker 8]: systems that
[01:39:03] [Speaker 8]: were set in place,
[01:39:05] [Speaker 8]: or financial,
[01:39:07] [Speaker 8]: disincentives that were put in place to threaten,
[01:39:11] [Speaker 8]: the healthcare workers, as Warner has pointed out.
[01:39:15] [Speaker 8]: The third thing that I wanna talk with you about that I believe you can do, you can move the slide forward. Thank you.
[01:39:21] [Speaker 8]: Is,
[01:39:22] [Speaker 8]: and and Warner talked a little bit about this. I'm gonna, I I agree with everything that he said, and I think there's probably more that we can do as we as we think about,
[01:39:32] [Speaker 8]: where legislative
[01:39:33] [Speaker 8]: amendment is going to have the greatest effect. And I want to offer that,
[01:39:37] [Speaker 8]: I'm certainly available to assist in looking at certain laws and proposing
[01:39:43] [Speaker 8]: legislation,
[01:39:44] [Speaker 8]: legislative amendments that are going to be that are going to assist
[01:39:47] [Speaker 8]: specific to what we've been seeing in the courts and what we've seen based on the evidence that we've been able to obtain.
[01:39:54] [Speaker 8]: And,
[01:39:55] [Speaker 8]: I'm just gonna briefly talk about a couple of these.
[01:39:59] [Speaker 8]: In Oklahoma, you have We're we're almost out of
[01:40:02] [Representative Humphrey]: Rachel, we're almost out of time. So,
[01:40:05] [Representative Humphrey]: if you can wrap up real yeah. Real quick because we got a hard line to get out of here.
[01:40:11] [Speaker 8]: Absolutely. And thank you, for that.
[01:40:14] [Speaker 8]: So I just want to touch upon in a in a general sense. You can see here there's, Oklahoma has some pretty pretty robust,
[01:40:21] [Speaker 8]: state legislation with regard to discrimination or nondiscrimination
[01:40:25] [Speaker 8]: on the basis of genetic information, genetic testing,
[01:40:28] [Speaker 8]: the receipt of genetic services.
[01:40:31] [Speaker 8]: You also have criminalized,
[01:40:34] [Speaker 8]: discrimination in the employment context and there's also civil remedies for discrimination in the employment context based on genetic information, genetic testing,
[01:40:44] [Speaker 8]: or
[01:40:44] [Speaker 8]: the ability to use genetic testing or call for genetic testing in the employment context.
[01:40:50] [Speaker 8]: So what I want to leave you with there is, and obviously there's the federal laws and there's regulations within
[01:40:56] [Speaker 8]: Oklahoma and its
[01:40:59] [Speaker 8]: executive agencies
[01:41:01] [Speaker 8]: in compliance with GINA. But I believe that one of the important things about using the genetic
[01:41:07] [Speaker 8]: statutes,
[01:41:08] [Speaker 8]: as a basis for amendment to protect against
[01:41:12] [Speaker 8]: future harms
[01:41:14] [Speaker 8]: and perhaps to even remedy what has already occurred
[01:41:17] [Speaker 8]: is that these these laws, in Oklahoma at least, have been on the books since the late nineties. This is not new legislation. We're not going up against,
[01:41:26] [Speaker 8]: interests
[01:41:27] [Speaker 8]: that are going to immediately push back with regard to new mRNA technology
[01:41:32] [Speaker 8]: or, COVID,
[01:41:34] [Speaker 8]: or any anything else that's coming down the pipe. These are these are statutes that are already in place. And so what I propose,
[01:41:41] [Speaker 8]: can be looked at and and,
[01:41:43] [Speaker 8]: perhaps would be a good avenue for for amendment
[01:41:46] [Speaker 8]: is looking at the definitions under these statutes and making sure that they're sufficiently
[01:41:50] [Speaker 8]: robust
[01:41:51] [Speaker 8]: and don't have any carve outs that otherwise would not protect,
[01:41:56] [Speaker 8]: employees
[01:41:57] [Speaker 8]: and patients, even individuals who are seeking to get insured,
[01:42:01] [Speaker 8]: on the basis of
[01:42:03] [Speaker 8]: genetic therapies, otherwise,
[01:42:06] [Speaker 8]: called vaccines.
[01:42:07] [Speaker 8]: Those who do have, who have taken those therapies and those who have not.
[01:42:12] [Speaker 8]: And that would be a distinction within genetic information,
[01:42:16] [Speaker 8]: of these particular protected individuals that we can,
[01:42:19] [Speaker 8]: we can protect against using,
[01:42:21] [Speaker 8]: just a little bit of a tweak in some of these genetic statutes on the definitions. And with that, I'll wrap up. Thank you. Thank you very much for the opportunity to be here. Thank you, Rachel. You're awesome. Appreciate you very much.
[01:42:36] [Representative Humphrey]: Sir, you wanted to give us a few if you'll leave me about 2 minutes. That's all I need for emphasis. 90 seconds.
[01:42:42] [Doctor David Martin]: Ladies and gentlemen, on April 27, 2020, I stood in front of a camera,
[01:42:47] [Doctor David Martin]: and I actually tried to blow a whistle before all of this death happened.
[01:42:52] [Doctor David Martin]: It's still on YouTube. You can still watch it. April 27, 2020. It's called Butterfly of the Week. It says you are under house arrest.
[01:43:09] [Doctor David Martin]: There we go. I'm back on.
[01:43:12] [Doctor David Martin]: You can you can go look at that video. It's still up on YouTube. How it's still up on YouTube? I don't know, but it is.
[01:43:18] [Doctor David Martin]: But you can have a look at it. It's 59 minutes of your life you'll never get back.
[01:43:22] [Doctor David Martin]: But it's 59 minutes that actually proves a very important point.
[01:43:26] [Doctor David Martin]: Every death we talked about today was avoidable.
[01:43:30] [Doctor David Martin]: On April 27, 2020, had we taken this meeting and taken this
[01:43:34] [Doctor David Martin]: action, every death we're talking about today was avoidable, and we didn't do it.
[01:43:39] [Doctor David Martin]: And it sucks to be sitting here as me.
[01:43:42] [Doctor David Martin]: I had a different bow tie on that day.
[01:43:45] [Doctor David Martin]: But everything that we were told in fear remember, face masks?
[01:43:49] [Doctor David Martin]: CR Macintosh
[01:43:50] [Doctor David Martin]: published the study that said cloth face masks increase your risk of influenza like illness,
[01:43:56] [Doctor David Martin]: and that was a published study before any of this happened.
[01:43:59] [Doctor David Martin]: Remdesivir was known to be 53% deadly in 2018,
[01:44:02] [Doctor David Martin]: published.
[01:44:03] [Doctor David Martin]: Lipid nanoparticles were known to be lethal in 2014 and 2016,
[01:44:08] [Doctor David Martin]: published.
[01:44:10] [Doctor David Martin]: We actually knew that the intent of the conspirators of this particular medical racketeering mafia exercise
[01:44:17] [Doctor David Martin]: actually already had planned to kill people on September 18, 2019. We had all of this before patient 1 had to die.
[01:44:26] [Doctor David Martin]: If we are serious
[01:44:27] [Doctor David Martin]: if we are serious,
[01:44:28] [Doctor David Martin]: we will realize that under section 802 of the Patriot Act, this was an act of domestic terrorism, and I should be sitting in Oklahoma City to say this.
[01:44:38] [Doctor David Martin]: This is a city that understood the scourge of domestic terrorism, and this is a city that should reclaim its brand as a place to say never again.
[01:44:47] [Doctor David Martin]: Because if we're serious about preventing these and other crimes,
[01:44:51] [Doctor David Martin]: then let's brand Oklahoma City as the place where we do not tolerate domestic terrorism, whether it's done at the hand of a bomber or at the hand of a lab coat.
[01:45:01] [Doctor David Martin]: Because instilling fear is the fundamental
[01:45:05] [Doctor David Martin]: and root cause of the cancer that destroys
[01:45:08] [Doctor David Martin]: everything that we stand for about liberty, everything that we stand for about being citizens of this great country, and I would expect that I should be no other place in Oklahoma City to say let's stand again
[01:45:20] [Doctor David Martin]: against terrorism.
[01:45:21] [Doctor David Martin]: Thank you very much.
[01:45:30] [Representative Humphrey]: And I'm we're not going to take questions now. These these ones that have done, this, they have dedicated. I can tell you we've been on for 2 or 3 months working on pulling all of these people together.
[01:45:44] [Representative Humphrey]: We've worked very hard on making sure to get this presented
[01:45:48] [Representative Humphrey]: and try to get it in a timely to put the information
[01:45:52] [Representative Humphrey]: in time. I would love to listen because Rachel is is the person Rachel,
[01:45:57] [Representative Humphrey]: you're gonna get tired of me because I'm mean, you're gonna become really good friends. Okay? So the the people I wanna thank are around this table, the the Zoom. Thank you all for for participating,
[01:46:08] [Representative Humphrey]: but I really wanna say thank you to 3 rooms of people who came out. I have never seen
[01:46:15] [Representative Humphrey]: a hearing require
[01:46:17] [Representative Humphrey]: 3 overflow rooms.
[01:46:19] [Representative Humphrey]: So, again, what that ought to say,
[01:46:22] [Representative Humphrey]: that ought to tell our government, that ought to tell the people in this house that this is an important subject, that this is something that we have to address.
[01:46:32] [Representative Humphrey]: This is something we have to go after. So with that, I just wanna say that we have a petition.
[01:46:38] [Representative Humphrey]: Peggy is here. Peggy's standing up. When we leave, we have a deadline of 4:30 that we have to be out of these offices.
[01:46:47] [Representative Humphrey]: So when we conclude this, I would ask everybody to move out. Let's find a place where you can sign a petition
[01:46:53] [Representative Humphrey]: to start an investigation
[01:46:56] [Representative Humphrey]: nationwide.
[01:46:57] [Representative Humphrey]: This is a petition that we are working on
[01:47:00] [Representative Humphrey]: nationwide. I'd ask you to sign that, get with Peggy outside.
[01:47:04] [Representative Humphrey]: I'm holding approximately
[01:47:06] [Representative Humphrey]: 50 cases
[01:47:07] [Representative Humphrey]: that we are looking at here in Oklahoma
[01:47:10] [Representative Humphrey]: that we're studying,
[01:47:11] [Representative Humphrey]: but I have, and you heard Rachel talk about. And, Rachel, you may not think I was listening during a bunch of those,
[01:47:19] [Representative Humphrey]: segments that we talked about, but I was listening. So here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna get with you. We're gonna get that brief where we've done it in other states. We're gonna apply it to Oklahoma.
[01:47:31] [Representative Humphrey]: And then I have already
[01:47:35] [Representative Humphrey]: I have already written
[01:47:37] [Representative Humphrey]: 2 probable causes
[01:47:39] [Representative Humphrey]: on 2 cases that I've researched
[01:47:41] [Representative Humphrey]: that I think that we could file charges on.
[01:47:45] [Representative Humphrey]: That is going to be
[01:47:46] [Representative Humphrey]: on Raymond
[01:47:48] [Representative Humphrey]: Hokett
[01:47:49] [Representative Humphrey]: and also on Paul Batts. Raymond Hokett, Paul Batts. I am filing on charges of kidnapping,
[01:47:57] [Representative Humphrey]: and and what I'm saying is by chemical restraint, these people were were forced to stay in a bed and could not leave. They were kidnapped by chemical restraint
[01:48:07] [Representative Humphrey]: battery, and that they were forced onto a ventilator even though they did not comply
[01:48:12] [Representative Humphrey]: and said they did not wanna be placed on a ventilator
[01:48:15] [Representative Humphrey]: and that their paperwork were forged. I think we can prove that because these people were sedated.
[01:48:21] [Representative Humphrey]: How would they sign? Their loved ones refused to give consent, and yet they were placed on a ventilator.
[01:48:28] [Representative Humphrey]: And then I want to say that under the Oklahoma law that I understand
[01:48:33] [Representative Humphrey]: I'm a law enforcement officer, not an attorney. Rachel, you can help me with this. But under Oklahoma law, when you commit a crime that results in somebody else's death, that crime then the murder felony crime
[01:48:46] [Representative Humphrey]: applies, and you could be charged with felony murder. And we will ask the AG to look at that as well. These probable causes are already prepared. Rachel, I'll get with you on that brief. It'll take a few days to get this to the AG, but next week, I hope present the AG with the brief and probable calls on 2 murders
[01:49:05] [Representative Humphrey]: and a list of people we think they could go after. As well as we've already presented
[01:49:11] [Representative Humphrey]: the, AG with a massive amount on these 2 and a couple of more that we've applied for. So,
[01:49:19] [Representative Humphrey]: I think that we can pursue that. Again, I wanna challenge
[01:49:23] [Representative Humphrey]: the attorney general to look at these cases
[01:49:26] [Representative Humphrey]: and actually work with us to file
[01:49:30] [Representative Humphrey]: these these felony charges
[01:49:32] [Representative Humphrey]: against people guilty of these crimes. So with that, we're gonna wrap it up. Hold on one second.
[01:49:40] [Chairperson]: Representative DeBerensky has a comment or a question or something. Thank you, madam chairman. I would just ask
[01:49:47] [Speaker 9]: that in 2024,
[01:49:49] [Speaker 9]: after everything that we've learned
[01:49:52] [Speaker 9]: and information that has come out,
[01:49:55] [Speaker 9]: looking in the rearview mirror now,
[01:49:57] [Speaker 9]: would it surprise you, madam chairman, that
[01:50:00] [Speaker 9]: the hospital association has a recommendation
[01:50:03] [Speaker 9]: that Stillwater Medical Center
[01:50:06] [Speaker 9]: is now
[01:50:07] [Speaker 9]: reincarnating the discriminatory
[01:50:09] [Speaker 9]: policy requiring those not vaccinated
[01:50:12] [Speaker 9]: with both the annual flu
[01:50:14] [Speaker 9]: and the latest COVID booster
[01:50:16] [Speaker 9]: be required again to wear masks
[01:50:19] [Speaker 9]: for the upcoming respiratory season lasting
[01:50:22] [Speaker 9]: through
[01:50:23] [Speaker 9]: March 31st. Does that surprise you?
[01:50:27] [Speaker 9]: Thank you.
[01:50:30] [Representative Humphrey]: Appreciate you bringing that to that that's why we're here. That's exactly why we're here. We're not looking in the rearview mirror. We're looking forward, and this is something that we have to address.
[01:50:42] [Chairperson]: Okay. Thank you very much for everyone that's here.
[01:50:46] [Chairperson]: If everybody could just leave quickly, we have to be out of here so the sergeants can get their stuff done. And if you guys wanna find a place out in the rotunda
[01:50:55] [Chairperson]: to meet with representative Humphreys,
[01:50:58] [Representative Humphrey]: and you may have to go to a different floor because there's something going on out here. We Thank you all. We're gonna go to floor 2 floor 2 to sign the petition and talk to some of these people that presented.