Oklahoma COVID Response Study
Original Video
"You can't allow these to be given to any more children. Children are dying every day from these shots. You have to protect your constituents, please.
"the point not not the big point of this slide is that if you look at what was used or approved for use or recommended by the NIH, that's what I've circled. And if you look, they have one thing in common. They are absurdly expensive slash profitable... So my hypothesis, what I'm gonna try to present to you today is the global coordinated campaign to suppress, distort, and dismiss the evidence of efficacy for ivermectin, because it was such a threat... But these tactics, I I got to see with a front row seat throughout the entire pandemic.
"So what has this meant for families? I you know, what I see is, first of all, grief, from all the families, that I've talked to. There's guilt because a a wife or a husband took their loved one to the hospital, and they trusted the hospital. And fundamentally, there's a real sense of betrayal. Doctors have been revered in this country. They're seen as the good guys and they're trusted. And by the way, there's good guys here today, but guess what? We're having problems getting them able to testify in court, which maybe the legislature can do something...
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