Not only has the vaccine injured me with my heart, I have a lot of neurological issues, that that happen all the time. I I’ve been hospitalized, where I’ve actually been there and the doctors have looked at me and I’ve had, uncontrollable muscle spasms. My legs would give out from under me. I have zaps of pain that shoot through the bottom of my feet all the way to top of my head. Have trouble breathing sometimes. I have trouble resting, and weird things. Like I said, the gel that caused a rash that didn’t used to bother me. Now in summertime when I get a mosquito bite, they swell up the size of like a baseball size on my legs. They just ooze at night. I have all kinds of weird things that are unexplainable that that have happened ever since getting the, Moderna vaccine. My mother died of the vaccine. I’ve got her vaccine card. She was not, you know, there’s no medical provider I can give you because she doesn’t have a doctor. She’s never been hospitalized except for a hand surgery. So why is she dead? I don’t know. She has no heart problems ever. She’s had low blood pressure if anything. She’s not on any medication, not any medication at all. My doctor thinks that the shot 1 of my doctors thinks that the shot gave me Guillain Barre or something like that. It’s like it’s some disease. Anyway, I’ve got a bunch of tests lined up for that. It’s a disease where I think, your nerves are always constantly under attack. So he’s pretty convinced of it, so he’s got a spinal tech lined up to verify it and, some nerve conductor tests coming up. March March 6th 21 and then April 21. 21. So about 10 months before he got he before the blood clots actually affected him. Which which 1 did he get? Pfizer. Pfizer. So Pfizer 1. Okay. And he had told me that he went to the doctor 6 months before, and they didn’t he didn’t have cancer as far as he knew about then. But then all of a sudden, he has stage 4, and they didn’t give him much time to live, and, obviously, he didn’t. Well, she basically was bullied into it because he told her that if she get that vaccine, she would die if she got COVID. Haley and her immediate family thought she was doing the right thing, reasonable thing. I’m just saying you guys, this is criminal. These are poison. It can’t be ignored. It can’t just be like, oh, it’s just a coincidence. How are they all The strokes, heart attacks, people dying suddenly. It’s everywhere. You know? And I don’t know how people are denying it. I don’t know how people are ignoring it. I don’t know how it’s not being addressed. She should still be here. She would still be here if she didn’t take 4 shots. There’s no she had nothing wrong with her. My sisters and I are all on the same page with this, and we all believe it was because of the vaccine injury that, caused her death.