I cannot believe that my family fought for this country, and then the government protocol forces a poison on my child. That's just somebody needs to be accountable. Somebody has to pay the price for what they've done. You know, and I know, and everybody out there know. And if you don't know, you better listen. If not to me, to other people, there's too many loved ones we've lost because of this. It's not just that they, you know, were they they gave him remdesivir, which ultimately killed him. My mission right now is to let people know that if you have to go to the hospital for COVID, do not take remdesivir as a treatment. You have an option to refuse that medication. There is no there's no healing from this. There's no recovery from this. They killed him. They murdered him right before our very eyes and lied. I had 1 of her nurses actually tell me that that it's her fault she's in this position because she didn't get vaccinated. You know, them being so alone, like, of course, they're gonna probably wanna give up, you know, because no one's there. And they felt so helpless. There's nothing I could do. They wouldn't let me in. Oh, they never know. We weren't giving up. We weren't getting given any information. I mean, my whole life has been flipped upside down. It's the the life that I knew is gone. Yes. They took her life. Not only her life, they took my life. And I know it was the cruelest form of death to keep loved ones away. I'm the 1 who's fighting for my husband because he was verbed, and nobody wants to believe it. I decided a long time ago that I am not going to be silent. I told someone else they made a mistake when it came to me. I am vocal. I will not be silent. Please investigate. Please investigate. That's all I want you to do is investigate. I will justice. If at all possible, I will justice.