Killed my father without a a 100% doubt that they killed my father. And that’s when I realized that they killed him. And so, I asked her. I said, you killed my husband? And she said, I thought that’s what you wanted me to do. So I said, I’m telling him that I would wouldn’t let them do what they did. I told her I would’ve never have agreed to her taking his life. But but it was like the same old thing over and over that it discussed. Him being a a healthy man. I mean, when they first came in, he’s like, he’s a 62 year old healthy man. I’m like, yeah. He was healthy, and he killed him. They killed a perfectly healthy man in 11 days. Like, That that happened on the the Wednesday before he died. And and, the day before, on on Friday before they killed him on Saturday, physical therapy were in there, you know, trying to get him to do his physical therapy and his occupational therapy and all occupational therapy and all that so they could get that last little bit of money from the insurance company, and he didn’t wanna do it. Which do you blame him? And and I told him I said, just leave him alone. You’re fixing to murder him anyway. I said, you’re about to murder him. Why why do you even care whether he does physical therapy or not? And, of course, you know, they didn’t like that. And, but it was the truth. I mean Right. You know, he I turned around and I told her, I said, you guys killed my husband and you’re worried about your freaking money. I wrote on there that doctor, Copeland killed my wife, and this is not over with. They killed him. I’m hurt and they acted all sympathetic and compassionate that day. I don’t know how they could do that. We are looking for justice for him and many others killed with the same deadly protocol. What do you what do you believe killed them? Their COVID protocol, their unwillingness to be doctors and try to figure out his situation according to his health concerns, their unwillingness to try whatever it took to to help him out. He said he was fine when he came in here. And I said, I know. I and I told him the truth. I said they gave him Remdesivir and they killed him. That’s what happened. Being on the vet led to a complete overuse of medication that I believe killed him. That made his heart go into cardiac arrest. Definitely the COVID protocol. Him being vented him being vented killed him and partnered with not having their the loved ones there to advocate. I mean, it was a free for all. I had no idea what they were doing. She went there. And they kill and and they killed her. They killed her. There’s something going on. But they killed her, and they just threw her away like she was garbage. But she was everything to me. They just threw these people away like you’re garbage. It’s like the holocaust and nobody’s talking about it. Yes. Those nurses know. They know and nobody’s standing up because they’re scared to lose their job or you know, but at what point do people say I don’t care anymore, I’m not scared because somebody needs to answer and pay for what they did because these patients their lives matter. That’s the isolation I know is what killed her. And maybe The medication that I went through, I can’t believe how many things they had her on within just 2 days. So I I think they pumped her up with drugs and she they starved her and he isolated her. He should not have been murdered by the hospital protocols. It was so rigid in what they thought was best, and they were wrong. They were dead wrong. They killed so many people. It was a money making thing for them, the administration the hospital administration. I know I was restrained and it was just horrific. And if my family did not insist that they stop the remeniscern when they did, I would not be here. I would say, and I’ve been saying it. They killed my husband. They murdered my husband. They murdered my husband. My husband should not have died. Regardless of whether he had the vaccines or not, he should not have died. He was a 55 year old man in perfect health. He never had any health problems. He shouldn’t have died. They murdered him. That’s why he died, because they murdered him. And I tell everybody. I tell everybody. And I know people look at me and think that I’m crazy, and I don’t care. I don’t care. I know what happened to Tom. They murdered him. He didn’t just die. In the end, they killed this woman. There was there’s there’s no reason this woman should’ve died. So I just wanna go through it. Believe it’s because she had a lack of medical options, and they took mom from us. That’s why I believe that he that remdesivir, would he killed him, and he was murdered in the hospital. And I will always believe that, the 30 days that he spent on the ventilator and as drugged as he was is what actually killed him, and it wasn’t the COVID that killed him. But I do know that they didn’t do what they needed to do to help him, and they know that what they did most assuredly killed him. And I felt like maybe it was too much. Maybe it could’ve possibly been too much to the point where that that’s what killed him. His body his body couldn’t recover. His body didn’t have a chance to heal. What I say to them, don’t know because I have my whole family is is well, you didn’t get the vaccine, and you didn’t get the vaccine, and and, you know, of course, you’re gonna get the vaccine now. Right, Caroline? So that, you know, you don’t get it. And, you know, people are just in this daze. So there are certain people that, I I just don’t say anything because it’s, like, on deaf ears. But my friends that are I have told people that I believe that the hospital killed my husband. He trusted people. You know, he was a veteran, and his own government killed him. Because, you know, me calling them and telling them, no. I hate saying that word. No, you know, no vent, all that stuff, and then all of it just they just did what they wanted to do. They basically killed him. I mean, that’s I feel wholeheartedly in my heart that he would have survived if he would have never got the protocol medication. I believe they killed her. So I felt like she was a moneymaker, but they almost killed me. So they took it to the Killer Blake Hospital, and they killed her. They killed her. 41 years old. I find it difficult to go work in a building where I was almost killed for an employer who would rather have seen me die than see me live. Because right now, I feel like they should be terrified of the story that I have to tell. I’m I don’t know. Maybe if somehow this can get mainstream that this is happening, I don’t know how it can. But on at least for the people that I know that that won’t, if I say I believe the hospital killed my husband, they won’t believe it until they see it on mainstream.