I mean, you know, in California, it's like you can't bring up, you know, you're not vaccinated. And then it's like, you know, it was like a bad thing. They screamed at Lupe for not being vaccinated, and then they put isolated her in a room for 5 hours. She was so confused. I think they injected her with something. Although my husband's experience when being asked about being unvaccinated in the emergency room, he was chewed out by the doctor in there over that. And they treated him so badly because he was not vaccinated. And it states in the medical records numerous times that he is not vaccinated. I had 1 of her nurses actually tell me that that it's her fault she's in this position because she didn't get vaccinated. My husband's gonna die if I don't get vaccinated. And so I said, Does that mean they wanted me to get vaccinated too? We kept being asked by everybody if he was vaccinated, why wasn't he vaccinated, was it a political thing with us, questions we never should have been asked. You know what I mean? Was this a political stance? You know, it'd be different. Then my husband was told that it would be different for him if he were vaccinated. Let me preface that by saying before I got the vaccine, I didn't have any health issues. We were busy. I didn't have a doctor. I didn't like, I wasn't aware of, like, the possibilities with any of this. I think I kinda went into it blindly. They were nasty to our whole family because we were unvaccinated. Mhmm. They were pressuring us the whole time. We should have been vaccinated. We need to go get vaccinated immediately, and making us feel like she's she's doing so terrible because she's unvaccinated. It's like you are treated poorly, you are treated you're discriminated against. Everyone talks about discrimination, but they don't talk about this discrimination against people who do not wanna be vaccinated.