I requested hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, and we were told by the by the nurse that was communicating with us, oh, we don't use that, quote, unquote. We don't use that. So we went and saw her, and I asked, you know, could you prescribe us, ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine? She said, no. I can't. I'll get in trouble if I do. I asked for monoclonal antibodies. I asked for ivermectin. I asked for hydroxychloroquine. I asked I asked for everything that Astomira. I reject I asked for everything pharmaceutical and then asked for everything that they were debunking as conspiracy, and everything, of course, was no no no. No. But it was right on the it was right on the edge of when they were talking about it. Okay. I asked for this. My mom my mom had Ivermectin my mom had Ivermectin in the refrigerator. Yeah. I asked for the We didn't know. We didn't. Good. That's just like well, you know, and everybody was saying it was horse paste. When I met people Right. And people were go I know people that went to to, the beef store in in the cream format, and they would rub it on their feet. And they would say, I don't even I got the liquid stuff right now. I got the liquid stuff right now. I'm sorry. I don't trust doctors anymore. I'm never gonna get a shot again. I'm never gonna take their medicine again because they murdered my dad. They literally lied to me and told me that they used Ivermectin with her. Well, I was a little smarter than that. After everything was said and done, I went and got her medical records. She was never given Ivermectin. She got 5 doses of remdesivir I think it was them pumping remdesivir in her. You know? It would've been interesting to see how she would've fared if she would've been she would've had access to some of these alternative medications that's been on the market forever, like ivermectin or hydroxy They had already did the remdesivir treatment, and to my understanding, that is already doing a work in his body. So I mean that doesn't I mean that wasn't why I didn't do it I just didn't know if that was the right thing to do. I was so messed up and to have him here I mean I don't know. I don't know. His sister wanted to. She wanted to bring him home, and then we we did tell, Sutter Health. I said, well, we don't belong to Sutter Health. We belong to, North Bay Medical. When we found out they wouldn't transport him, and I said, you know, the doctor said because we were so on him about doing the ivermectin and different treatments, not what they were doing. He said, if you can find hospital, and that will transport him and that will treat him, sure. We'll release him, but we couldn't find anything. They absolutely refused to give him ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. Why didn't you guys treat him with ivermectin? What's going on with ivermectin? Oh, we don't do that here. That's that's not for people. That's for horses. We requested, medications that were ivermectin, vitamin c, basically, the Zelensky protocol. All those things that we had been getting now, lots of information that we didn't have before, and we asked for try. We by phone call. They stalled 2 days, said, well, we'll let the doctors know. Finally, I think this was the sick on the I think on 16th or 15th, we requested, medications to help him. And, it wasn't until the 19th that we actually got to meet with doctors, and they said it was impossible. It was preposterous. They didn't experiment on patients. They were, you know, they were using the only protocol that was allowed, and that was what they were gonna continue to use. I want to try Ivermectin. You told the doctor literally told me, we've done everything we can. It's up to God and Kyle's body. So for me, why wouldn't you try Ivermectin? If you're telling me you've done everything you can, why won't you try it? Like, those high doses of vitamin c and the ivermectin and all that. They were just doing it to say that they did it, and it was too late. But in the very beginning, we asked for it, and they wouldn't do it. I wanted, you know, to bring both, the Ivermectin as well as the hydroxychloroquine. And that I would indeed, be willing to come twice a day and self administer it as a home medication. And he said, absolutely not. You may not do that. And we immediately asked the doctor to give him Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, budesonide, every 2 hours, high dose vitamin c, vitamin d, and the doctor said no. They they would give him him budesonide twice a day. And, but they wouldn't give him Ivermectin. The hospital was resistant to give my mother ivermectin, which has a better safety profile than Tylenol. Yeah. Yet the day she went in, they did not hesitate to give her Tylenol. I recorded it, asking for ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine. Oh, no. No. No. No. That's not it. Yes. It will. Can you try, you know, whatever they had, ivermectin, other issues, other, you know, meds? No. We don't have that here. She she asked for Ivermectin twice, and she was denied both times. And, they said we can we'll write a note to the doctor. But in the meantime, they gave him remdesivir for 4 days. And, the doctor, the first time he called me was 1 in the morning is when he called me. And I told him, I said, is he on zinc and and vitamin d? And are you getting the vitamin c? And are you giving him steroids? And, you know, all these the ivermectin. And he flat out and told me that he was not gonna give him that. He was not gonna give ivermectin, he would not give him hydroxychloroquine. He would, he would not give him any of that, that that was not appropriate medical treatment. I wanna know why we can't give him the ivermectin and the hydroquin. We can't do that. It's it's not approved by the FDA. And I thought, oh my god. You know, you have a a a a Hippocratic Oath to save people. If that drug is gonna save my father, he has to she has to get it to him. Right? And so I said, what about the right to try? I wanna try that drug. Okay? I want that drug for my father. And I went so far as to order up that medicine online, you know, but I couldn't get it to him because he couldn't swallow. Yeah. And it could have all been avoided with it could have all been avoided with life saving treatments that we requested and were denied because they said it wasn't their protocol. Yep. This was their protocol. Because, like I said, I'd asked for Ivermectin, and they said no. It wasn't part of their protocol. Didn't put her on Ivermectin. I don't know. I think it was kind of, at the time, more of a political thing, so they were like, no. We're not gonna put you on that. Because I asked for HCQ and Ivermectin, of course, you know, that they wouldn't do that. When you asked for Ivermectin, did they give you any other reason other than it's not protocol? When I first brought it up, this was, like, 2 days after he when he was on the remdesivir. I asked about monoclonal therapy, and I asked about Regeneron, and he said, no. Protocol, we don't use those. I said, what about ivermectin? Well, at first, he kinda yelled at me telling me that's a horse wormer, and you don't know what you're talking about. And I said, no. I do know what I'm talking about, and people take Ivermectin all the time. I said, I wanna know why my husband can't have the Ivermectin. I asked, what are you giving him for COVID? And he said steroids and antibiotics. And I said, well, that doesn't seem to be enough. Why aren't you giving him ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine? And he said, those don't work. And I said, yes. They do. I have friends, you know, that went to the hospital, took the drugs, and are fine now. He said, no. They don't work. Get the vaccine. Those were his exact words to me. I asked him for ivermectin and Mhmm. Hydroxychloroquine, And he said it wasn't FDA approved FDA approved, which was wrong. It's it's not the truth, which wasn't FDA approved with that rim They didn't because I was under under the understanding was they would not even treat with Ivermectin at the hospitals. It was just not done. I kept telling them no remdesivir. I kept on begging for Ivermectin, and they wouldn't give it to him. So I get to the hospital, and I talked to the doctor again. It was the same doctor that told me that he had a 50% chance of living, and I asked him about ivermectin. And he just blatantly tells me, we're not gonna discuss anything you Google. He said, if you keep this up, it's gonna be on a need to know only basis. And I do believe they should've you know, I did I did tell the hospital that they should try, you know, different things like Ivermectin. And 1 of the nurses told me that, she was gonna look at his records and see if they had given him ivermectin, and they had not. And they wouldn't. And then so I I talked to the doctor himself, and he told me that he would not give him Ivermectin. That was too late. When I asked about Ivermectin, they told me that that hospital did not use that drug to treat their patients because there was no evidence that it worked. We requested Ivermectin, and they said, don't even bring that up. That is not happening here. And she did bring up Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and they said that was not gonna happen. And whatever else medicine she was talking about, I don't know if it was budesonine or whatever. You know, I don't know anything about that Medicaid, all that stuff. But he said, no way. It's too damn expensive. She asked him 3 times and he said no. My husband had told me he asked for Ivermectin. They told him that they do not have it in their hospital, and no hospital in the United States carries it. No hospital in Riverside County carries it. It's not a it's not a medication they prescribed in their hospital. So, anyways, we kept asking every doctor that we spoke to. Can he have ivermectin? Can he have hydroxychloroquine? Ivermectin, that's just a, oh gosh. Now I forgot what it's what they say it's used for for for Ivermectin. Yeah. Yeah. It's anti parasitic, but it's also an antiviral Yeah. Anti inflammatory. Think that yeah. What do you think that's gonna do? And I said, I know that it works. I I I know that it works, and that's what we want. And we were told no. No. No. My son-in-law called the original hospital, Corona, and spoke to a doctor and said, I wanna bring my parents ivermectin. And they said, no. That's not allowed. It is basically a horse tranquilizer. It's not effective, and we can't have outside medications coming into the hospital. I told them if they could try, ivermectin, but they said no. But just the way we were treated, like, the doctor just just because I mentioned Ivermectin, I was already like, when I went up there, they they watched me like a hawk. Like, they, you know, like, almost like I was a criminal. And every time we would ask, like, to call and check up on him and see how he was doing and, like, what, like, his vitals were, if he still had a fever, like, what his oxygen was out on the vent and stuff like that, they would bring up consistently about how, like, you know, he wasn't vaccinated. So, you know, like, it's not, like, looking too hopeful for him. And, like, every single conversation we would have, the nurses and stuff like that, it would always be very, like, there's no hope. There's no hope. There's no hope. Like, he's not probably not gonna survive this. Like, there was, like, never, like, a glimmer of hope, like, the entire time he was on the ventilator. Oh, and, of course, I asked him, you know, what about, you know, monoclonal antibodies? What about vitamin infusion? What about this, that, and the other? And I was too late for all that. And then, of course, you know, I say the word that gets me censored on YouTube. I said, what about Ivermectin? And he's like, oh, that's junk medicine. And, then he kicks me out of the room and tells me they're gonna intubate. I did not want her to Yeah. Get on the bed. And from the minute I walked into the hospital with her, I kept insisting that I wanted them to give her hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. And right away, the the nurse got real rude, and she says, wait. That's not our protocol here. We don't follow that. And then a little bit later on, when I had another phone conversation, a couple of days later, it was another nurse. I think I'm There's very many different nurses. I think we went through to, like, 5 or 6 different nurses. Never got to speak to a doctor at all. 1 of the nurses I I'd asked him, please give her hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. And she says, well, that Ivermectin, we can't do that because that's that's not proven. It's a horse medication. So he they denied the Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, monoclonal antibodies, which I think at the time the antibodies were being, rationed anyways. I don't know that they would have given them to him. But the doctor implied that he got remdesivir, but we won't know how many doses until you get till we get the records and get a chance to look at those. We were asking for the we did know of the hydrochloroquine back there. We did hear of that. And, they didn't do course. They wouldn't do that or the ivermectin, they wouldn't. Thing. When I was in the hospital, that was at the time that the Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, made it to where you could take, monoclonal antibodies. I was in the hospital when they let they said, oh, yeah. We can do that. They they told me, oh, those won't help you at this point, so we're not gonna give them to you. Like, I wasn't getting the, you know, suddenly I wasn't gonna get the ivermectin. Yeah. They couldn't give the ivermectin they said because it's, you know, they give you the same line. It's not FDA approved. Yes. It is FDA approved and, you know, I argued with them a lot about that. Oh, I said doc, can we try 1 more thing? Can we try Ivermectin? I heard I heard about Ivermectin this time. He act like he didn't hear anything I say it. And I said, why won't you give him Ivermectin? No. We can't. Why? Well, it could hurt him. Real So I called back a little bit later and I said, I haven't heard back from the doctor. He was supposed to call me back because I asked him about Ivermectin. And she says, we don't do that. I said, what do you mean you don't do it? She says, Ivermectin kills people. I said, really? I said, that's not my understanding of it. I don't know who authorized him going on the ventilator. I don't know if they got that from him, but they certainly didn't call to ask me anything. And I will also say as far as Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, I knew about them. I did not know that the hospital wouldn't give those to him. That's what shocked me completely was even though I knew about them, I and asked every doctor I spoke to when he was in there. Every single 1 of them said no. We asked me to take him food just to try to give him ivermectin, and they're like, we couldn't take anything that first week. They we asked for Ivermectin. My mom asked for the hydrochloric or whatever. She asked for both of those in the first hospital, and they both said, no. It's not protocol. It's only remdesiv. I kept begging, and I asked them to give him Ivermectin. They said they couldn't. I have several hour long, hour and a half long meetings with hospital administrators with with them explaining why they won't give Ivermectin, and it makes no sense. Like, it's honestly stupidity, but I also have recorded in the records where a doctor said that in the verbatim. Based on the fact that it's against hospital policy alone, I will not give Ivermectin when the hospital administrator says on video that it's not a hospital policy. The doctors can do whatever they want. See, we didn't know where to get Ivermectin. I mean, we've right right after he went to the hospital, we were able to get it for my mom. I mean, we just didn't know. If I could change it, my sister would have taken the ivermectin, the bridesonine, and called me, where I had doctors that would make sure she would be fine.