Oklahoma COVID Response Study

Original Video


"You can't allow these to be given to any more children. Children are dying every day from these shots. You have to protect your constituents, please.

"I wanna finish up here and and add to to my talk and say that these shots are under emergency use authorization, and that's really important because people are saying, why isn't the FDA? Why isn't the government pulling these shots if they're contaminated and they have all of these findings? The reason why they're not is because the shots are under emergency use authorization... They are allowed to be contaminated, adulterated, misbranded, mislabeled, not go through good manufacturing process, and they still must be approved and licensed by the FDA. That is the most important thing I'm going to...

"But they call this is the other thing they do. They call it all low quality evidence, and it shouldn't be believed. And they literally wrote this in their guide. I'm gonna finish on this, slide because I don't wanna go over time. But this is the WHO guidelines group. And what they said is they felt that even though they had a statistically significant reduction in your chance of death when you were treated with Ivermectin, They said that they felt that almost all well informed patients would wanna receive Ivermectin only in the context of a trial, given...